Vagrant: shell provisioner on noexec /tmp

Created on 6 Feb 2016  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: hashicorp/vagrant

The config.vm.provision script is copied to /tmp, if that is executed on a noexec mounted filesystem I get this error:

==> default: bash: line 2: /tmp/vagrant-shell: Permission denied

A suggested solution: treat the shell script as an input for bash:

    bash /tmp/vagrant-shell

Source file: vagrant/plugins/provisioners/shell/provisioner.rb

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In case anyone else come across this, you need to use the upload_path option to point the script somewhere else other than /tmp.

I use something like this:

config.vm.provision "vagrant preflight", type: "shell",
    path: "scripts/",
    upload_path: '/opt/',
    args: "#{username}"

All 3 comments

Hi @bbaassssiiee

Thank you for opening an issue. Unfortunately we cannot just assume bash. Fortunately, the recommended work around is listed in the docs:

To run a script already available on the guest you can use an inline script to invoke the remote script on the guest.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.provision "shell",
    inline: "/bin/sh /path/to/the/script/already/on/the/"

The recommended pattern is to upload the script using a file provisioner and then manually execute it with your desired interpreter. Thanks! :smile:

Hi @sethvargo,
how should your workaround work? Problem is as follows: If you upload the file with a file provisioner, I' m not able to upload it with execute rights from a windows host. Therefore I can't use the shell provisioners path function to execute the script. On the other hand I can not use your provided inline: variant, because that just create /tmp/vagrant-shell with the content "/bin/sh /path/to/the/script/already/on/the/" and tries to execute it. Of course the execute then fails, because /tmp is still noexec.
Is it somehow possible to tell the shell provisioner that it should create the tmp-file in a specific path?



In case anyone else come across this, you need to use the upload_path option to point the script somewhere else other than /tmp.

I use something like this:

config.vm.provision "vagrant preflight", type: "shell",
    path: "scripts/",
    upload_path: '/opt/',
    args: "#{username}"
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