Vestawebinterface: Vesta Web Interface - Docs

Created on 21 Jul 2018  ·  67Comments  ·  Source: cdgco/VestaWebInterface

This is the comment section for the documentation.

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All 67 comments

What are the correct permissions of the ftp directory and its files ?, I can not make the plugin work

@emanezr The ftp plugin has standard file permissions with the folders having 755 and files having 644. Another possible issue is that the file ownership is incorrect, you can correct this by running this command chown -R admin:admin /home/admin/web (replace the username or directory if necessary).
Finally, if none of these are the problem, the problem is in the installation. Please ensure that you have only uploaded the 'ftp' folder and not the 'vwi-ftp' or 'vwi-ftp-master' folders, and ensure that the plugins setting only contains 'ftp'. You can check your installation by visiting the 'Plugins' page in the admin panel.

@emanezr The ftp plugin has standard file permissions with the folders having 755 and files having 644. Another possible issue is that the file ownership is incorrect, you can correct this by running this command chown -R admin:admin /home/admin/web (replace the username or directory if necessary).
Finally, if none of these are the problem, the problem is in the installation. Please ensure that you have only uploaded the 'ftp' folder and not the 'vwi-ftp' or 'vwi-ftp-master' folders, and ensure that the plugins setting only contains 'ftp'. You can check your installation by visiting the 'Plugins' page in the admin panel.

@cdgco I have verified all the indicated steps, permissions, name of the folder, plugins setting, without success, I always get error http 500, the example-plugin work fine.

@emanezr It seems that my code / versions got mismatched at some point. I have released a new version of VWI (v0.5.2) and the FTP plugin (0.1.2) that fixes this issue. Follow these steps to upgrade VWI, then delete the ftp folder and upload the new version from here.


Thanks for the convenient interface for vesta!

I have installed vesta fwi 0.5.3 beta and ftp plugin 0.1.2, but plug-in does not work. When i open the page, i getting HTTP ERROR 500 .

@Plata-0-Plomo Hi, could you please edit the '.htaccess' file in your installation and turn on debugging by changing the line php_flag display_errors off to php_flag display_errors on ? After you do so, please reload the page that is giving you a 500 error and respond to this comment or open an issue with any error messages that appear.

I have same problem :(

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare hotKeys() (previously declared in /home/admin/web/mydomain/public_html/includes/includes.php:462) in /home/admin/web/mydomain/public_html/includes/includes.php on line 462

This has got to be one of the most vital components to the vesta control panel. Everything is right where it needs to be, there is fluid motion and truly a great experience. Love the registration option. Working flawless for me as of the fresh install.

Hate to keep commenting but the more I explore the control panel the more I fall in love with it. Has anyone taken this directly to VestaCp. You guys truly thought this thing through! Kudos and congrats - I will be with this project long term.

@ubuntume Thank you, I really appreciate the support. A few of the members of the VestaCP team have commented on the project and do seem to follow and support it, but I do not see any partnership or collaboration in the future.

"Sorry" to hear about that. It should truly be the default to vesta. Have you thought of a fork? Personallyit truly brings the entire vesta system up to battle with plesk.

@ubuntume I have not thought about a fork before. It would be possible and I may do that in the future alongside the current system, but at the moment, the biggest priority is finishing the admin panel and plugin system.

agreed. stick to the start point

I'm testing this now and it's a very good interface for vestaCP. Thank You.

I love your work team. Even you will commercialize your work, I will still subscribe to you platform. Great work.

after installation here is the problem

Github Logo
I can't get into the admin panel

@MyBlood I'm sorry that you are experiencing issues. Is your control panel installed at http://usa-server.* ?

@MyBlood I'm sorry that you are experiencing issues. Is your control panel installed at http://usa-server.* ?


@MyBlood Your control panel is connecting to MySQL successfully but is failing to connect to the VestaCP API. I assume that either your admin credentials were misspelled or your server address was written wrong as your VestaCP server and API appear to be working correctly.

Please check your MySQL database and ensure that the following values are set like so:

VESTA_HOST_ADDRESS "172.245.***.27"
VESTA_METHOD "credentials"

Note that I censored the IP address and you must input your own VestaCP admin password.

@MyBlood Your control panel is connecting to MySQL successfully but is failing to connect to the VestaCP API. I assume that either your admin credentials were misspelled or your server address was written wrong as your VestaCP server and API appear to be working correctly.

Please check your MySQL database and ensure that the following values are set like so:

VESTA_HOST_ADDRESS "172.245.***.27"
VESTA_METHOD "credentials"

Note that I censored the IP address and you must input your own VestaCP admin password.

I double-checked the data, all right, but the problem is not gone

@MyBlood Could you check and/or email your VestaCP error and auth logs (/usr/local/vesta/log/error.log & /usr/local/vesta/log/auth.log) to me at [email protected].

@MyBlood Could you check and/or email your VestaCP error and auth logs (/usr/local/vesta/log/error.log & /usr/local/vesta/log/auth.log) to me at [email protected].


@MyBlood Could you check and/or email your VestaCP error and auth logs (/usr/local/vesta/log/error.log & /usr/local/vesta/log/auth.log) to me at [email protected].

I sent You, did you get it?

@MyBlood Yes. It appears that the request is going through to the VestaCP server but the credentials are failing to authenticate. It is possible that your password is incorrect in MySQL.

Please ensure that your admin password is correct and has no extra characters / spaces.

If the problem still persists, you can try to authenticate using an API key instead of credentials.
To do this, run the command v-generate-api-key on your VestaCP server then update the following values in MySQL:


@MyBlood Yes. It appears that the request is going through to the VestaCP server but the credentials are failing to authenticate. It is possible that your password is incorrect in MySQL.

Please ensure that your admin password is correct and has no extra characters / spaces.

If the problem still persists, you can try to authenticate using an API key instead of credentials.
To do this, run the command v-generate-api-key on your VestaCP server then update the following values in MySQL:


@MyBlood Yes. It appears that the request is going through to the VestaCP server but the credentials are failing to authenticate. It is possible that your password is incorrect in MySQL.

Please ensure that your admin password is correct and has no extra characters / spaces.
I double-checked, but still no change.

If the problem still persists, you can try to authenticate using an API key instead of credentials.
To do this, run the command v-generate-api-key on your VestaCP server then update the following values in MySQL:


it helped.
But now there are two new challenges:

1.After I logged out, I can no longer get into the admin panel with the same data.

  1. Interface language is not changed

@MyBlood I do not understand this first problem. Could you describe what you mean by same data, and what errors you are receiving.

As for the second, problem, VWI has not been translated into all languages yet, only English, Spanish, Portuguese, and German. I plan to work on translations in the future, but right now most translation files are empty (/locale).

@MyBlood I do not understand this first problem. Could you describe what you mean by same data, and what errors you are receiving.

As for the second, problem, VWI has not been translated into all languages yet, only English, Spanish, Portuguese, and German. I plan to work on translations in the future, but right now most translation files are empty (/locale).


@MyBlood This is the same problem as the problem connecting to the server. Your password is incorrect. It is possible that your password either has some non-standard character that VWI cannot process, although I have never experienced this, or you are entering the wrong password.

Are you able to login to the traditional VestaCP control panel (https://172.245.*.27:8083/login/) with this password?

As for the second, problem, VWI has not been translated into all languages yet, only English, Spanish, Portuguese, and German. I plan to work on translations in the future, but right now most translation files are empty (/locale).

I am ready to do the translation into Russian.

@MyBlood This is the same problem as the problem connecting to the server. Your password is incorrect. It is possible that your password either has some non-standard character that VWI cannot process, although I have never experienced this, or you are entering the wrong password.

Are you able to login to the traditional VestaCP control panel (https://172.245.*.27:8083/login/) with this password?

Everything seems to be working out.

As for the second, problem, VWI has not been translated into all languages yet, only English, Spanish, Portuguese, and German. I plan to work on translations in the future, but right now most translation files are empty (/locale).

Do you need to write text in quotes in your language?

@MyBlood You can write the translations manually in the quotes, however, I recommend using the tool Poedit to open and edit the messages.po files which is much easier to use.

How to fix the 403, in this interface.. and there were no menu for DNS, web.. help pls

@hafidzmrizky Please open a new issue specifically for your problem and run the diagnostic commands listed in the issue so that I can help specifically for your issue.

Hello, is interface compatible with last version vesta cp? Link Web, DNS, DB, is not in menu. Thanks you.

@pitrs1988 No, it seems one of the newest releases affected compatibility. This has been fixed and is available on GitHub on the latest branch and will be fixed in the next release of VWI. This problem has been discussed in #97 and #102. You can perform a manual installation as discussed in those issues to fix it immediately before I release an update to VWI.

Hello @cdgco. Thanks for your wonderful work. Just wondering about something. Most probably the File Manager isn't yet integrated with VWI?

@sohamb03 Hi there! Thank you! I have not integrated any of the commercial plugins offered from VestaCP, although I may do this in the future. I discussed this briefly in #51 and I do plan on doing it eventually. In the meantime, however, you can install the vwi-ftp plugin which offers a similar web file management interface.

It's alright for now. Thanks for clarifying!

Hello @cdgco. I have succesfully installed VWI. Most of the configs are done, but just now I noticed that the Web and DNS pages are not showing up in the menu. I tried to access them through the keyboard shortcut, but it brought me to the 403 page. BTW the web and dns both are enabled in settings. Any ideas?

@sohamb03 This is a known issue that has been fixed and will be published in the next release. You can manually install the fix immediately by following the instructions in #97 and #102.

Thanks Carter. The one in #97 would definitely help. Will install the fix as soon as I'm on from a PC.

Also, I'm looking forward to the file manager, whenever it may be released. Thanks for your efforts!

Just one more thing, it would be good if the VWI demo is in English, I don't know what language is it presently.

Just to let you know Carter(@cdgco) it worked. Thanks a lot!

There's one more thing Carter...phpMyadmin isn't appearing in the 'Apps' section. Any ideas?

@sohamb03 The phpMyAdmin bug is related to the issue in #97 and #102, I just forgot to update that in the temporary fix. This has been updated in GitHub and I will release v1.0.1 with these updates and more today.

Okay... Auspiciously waiting for it!

@sohamb03 @pitrs1988 @hafidzmrizky VWI version 1.0.1 is now available.

Wow! Amazing 👌

@cdgco Could you please check if something's wrong with Softaculous? Previously it used to load automatically but now it's taking me to the old CP and asking me to login.

Yes, I will take a look at it, I haven't changed anything to the Softaculous system in while so I'm assuming VestaCP made some more changes on their side.

---- On Wed, 18 Sep 2019 01:20:03 -0700 Sayan Bhattacharyya wrote ---- Could you please check if something's wrong with Softaculous? Previously it used to load automatically but now it's taking me to the old CP and asking me to login.

You are receiving this because you were mentioned.
Reply to this email directly,, or

@sohamb03 The integration with Softaculous has always been a basic link to the control panel which does no authentication. The only way it should load automatically is if you had logged into the old CP recently and still had cookies in your browser, otherwise it should have always asked for a login when accessing Softaculous.

However, I should be able to alter some code on the VestaCP backend to make it authenticate automatically in the future, and will add that to the to-do list.

I see. Your argument about the saved cache thing is indeed true. Well I'd be grateful if you could do the auto-authentication for Softaculous. This would be great indeed.

Just an offtopic question - what are you developing right now on VWI?

@sohamb03 The big projects I have been focusing on lately are building the new billing / registration system and rebuilding / finishing the localization system.

I have said before to others though, I have made little progress over the last few months as I have had little time to devote to VWI between work and school, since this is a side project for me, so while I do have many items on my to-do list including other new features such as some requests from the issues section, sadly, they will likely not be completed until I have a large amount of free time.

Good to know that! Hope you find time for the petty ones too. Thanks for the great service!

Just to tell you I'm too in school. I'm a web designer and app designer, also have expertise in Linux Administration. Just a year junior to you - I'm 16.

Hello @cdgco. THe 'DNS Support' checkbox isn't appearing in the 'Add Domain' feature. Kindly check. Also, due to this, DNS support for the domain isn't being created automatically as it should.

amazing job. Thanks a lot.

Hello, after i done steps for Automatic installation and i access domain when i install i get 500 Internal Server Error

@lidjan45 This is likely an error with the connection to your specified MySQL database. Try editing your .htaccess file and change the line php_flag display_errors Off to php_flag display_errors On, save and retry installation. If the error persists, please open a new issue including any error codes that are displayed on the page.

@sohamb03 VWI only shows DNS support for valid TLDs, if you were using a subdomain the DNS box would be hidden. If this was not the case, it is possible that the algorithm for determining if a domain is a TLD or not is not functioning properly.

For me, VWI is installed on and suppose I'm adding, then it's not showing the DNS box. Please check this, I think it's a glitch.

Thanks to you very much, I goes years waiting for this beautifull and wonderfull change for Vesta Look, amazing, seriously , many many thanks

hello I found an error in this I installed it as in the guide but I get it! failed to connect to the server, please check the config!
what would help because the database is no entry

the connection failed please check the configuration the latest verison v 2.1.1 comes with this failure once it is installed something is updated and then it closes you from the login and that error comes out as I do to solve in case my environment is centos 7

@Herd25 I have tested v2.1.1 on CentOS 7 with no errors. Can you please check that your MySQL database has been initialized correctly and that your VestaCP credentials are entered correctly?

@Herd25 I have tested v2.1.1 on CentOS 7 with no errors. Can you please check that your MySQL database has been initialized correctly and that your VestaCP credentials are entered correctly?

It is correct, even try to make the connection by api_key and it generates the error, the server cannot connect, I tried again to install from scratch, the error returned within seconds of making an update and although it checks the parameters in the database, they are exact, modify putting the ip did not even follow the error it will not be that it is not fully compatible with all centos 7 some library will make conflict and cause this error

even in a test environment I end up damaging access to phpmyadmin and full control of mariadb

@Herd25 can you continue the conversation on #123

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