Vm2: Add `coffee-script` module as a dependency

Created on 8 Apr 2017  ·  23Comments  ·  Source: patriksimek/vm2

While running your module via code that is transformed by the webpack/babel, I get following issue:

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'coffee-script' in '/node_modules/vm2/lib'
 @ ./~/vm2/lib/main.js 19:10-34
 @ ./~/vm2/index.js
 @ ./lib/config.js
 @ ./lib/server.js


In this line you're using coffee-script module, but it's not defined as a module dependency.
So when webpack tries to map all the requires it crashes cause it can't find the coffee-script module anywhere.

UPD: this is not a feature request, this is vm2 module dependencies issue. Until this module has this line present, it will not work with compiler option specified as coffee-script on any environment without coffee-script module installed.


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@dkfiresky Wow, you really expected me to force tens of thousands users to download coffee-script even if they don't need it just because you are not willing to wait for a proper solution? Thats sad.

@n-riesco Actually this is already supported. The problem is that dropping support for coffeescript option is a breaking change and I would like to try a better solution first (if there is any).

All 23 comments

Thank you for reporing an issue. I have almost no experiences with Webpack so propably I'm wrong, but what if you add coffee-script as a dependency in parent project? I'm assuming Webpack processes requires the same way Node does - it searches all node_modules folders up to the root.

I don't want to add a coffee-script as a dependency of my own project just because your module require it. I don't use coffee-script.

If you're using someone's module in your own project, you must declare it as a dependency.

Also if someone will install your module and that person would not have a coffee-script module installed anywhere (in project or global), it will also trigger that error. It doesn't depends on Webpack.

Ok I thought you're using coffee-script. In that case, this library is not webpack compatbile atm. I will try to figure this out if I have some free time.

This is not a case of compatibility with webpack.

It's a case of how you publish and supply your module to npm.

I don't agree, this library does work without coffee-script properly so there is no reason to link it as a required dependency. It is only used when user explcitly states that he or she wants to use coffee-script. I will refactor this to some kind of plugin mechanism.

The reason is that you explicitly require the coffee-script in your code, which assume it should be installed somehow.

If you already got the coffee-script installed on your machine – that's okay and will work, otherwise it will cause an issue when I've got no coffee-script installed anywhere and launched the vm with compiler option set to one of 'coffeescript', 'coffee-script', 'cs' or 'text/coffeescript' (as stated in https://github.com/patriksimek/vm2/blob/master/lib/main.js#L14-L18).

Also I don't agree that this is a feature request as your module doesn't work with coffee-script compiler if it wasn't already installed. And documentation say nothing about the requirement of coffee-script to be pre-installed.

Yes, you have precisely described how it works right now. The library expects user to have coffee-script installed if the compiler is set to coffee.

You're right about the docs, it's updated.

Yeah, documentation fix doesn't solve the issue. You still have the require('coffee-script') line in your code, which will produce the error, at least for webpack.

Yes, and as I wrote in previous post, I will refactor this to some kind of plugin mechanism so it will be webpack compatible.

Never mind, if it's so hard for you to run one simple command:

> npm install coffee-script --save

I will no longer use nor wait for your project to fix the issue.

@patriksimek Personally, I see the benefit of having some kind of plugin mechanism.

How about something simple like options.compiler being a function?

Then users that need CoffeeScript could set options.compiler to (code) => { return require('coffee-script').compile(code, {header: false, bare: true}); }.

@dkfiresky Wow, you really expected me to force tens of thousands users to download coffee-script even if they don't need it just because you are not willing to wait for a proper solution? Thats sad.

@n-riesco Actually this is already supported. The problem is that dropping support for coffeescript option is a breaking change and I would like to try a better solution first (if there is any).

@patriksimek I expect you to deliver your module correctly. The use of coffee-script is your own responsibility. If you use it, you must define it as a dependency. If you don't agree, then remove that require statement and the compiler option that states coffee-script as an option.

This issue was created because your module doesn't work out of the box. Waiting 18 days for you to run a simple install command sounds like a joke.

Moreover if you state that your module compiles coffee-script, you must deliver that module as a dependency in your package.json.

you really expected me to force tens of thousands users to download coffee-script

That what you did by require('coffee-script') in your code. You expect me to install coffee-script even if I don't use it.

Waiting 18 days for you to run a simple install command sounds like a joke.

You still expecting me to do what I said I'll never do. So again - this module is not compatbile with Webpack at the moment, please, don't use this library.

@patriksimek this module is not compatible nor runnable on any environment without coffee-script installed.

@dkfiresky Sure, if you think so. I'm no longer interested in convincing you that you're wrong. Can we please stop this useless discussion?

@patriksimek yes, sure. Please go read some npm docs.

I get this too in a fresh react project, before I added vm2 as a dependency I had no errors about coffee-script

Failed to compile.

Module not found: Can't resolve 'module' in '/Users/mark/node_modules/coffee-script/lib/coffee-script'

Even though the tone of the discussion was not very constructive, I really believe coffee-script should be added as a dependency. It would be a very simple solution and would allow using this package in various environments (e.g. Webpack, Next, etc.).

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