Vscode-docker: Ctrl Click on FROM leads to a DockerHub link, instead of a stage in a multi-stage config

Created on 5 Jun 2020  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: microsoft/vscode-docker

Hey VSCode Docker team,

I just noticed that the recent update has made it possible to Ctrl+Click on the image name, and then open an appropriate one in DockerHub, which is fantastic! . So I just encountered this little issue, and absolutely not a deal breaker at all, but it would be nice to have it fixed.

The situation:

I want all my stages to have the same WORKDIR and LABEL, and EXPOSE-ing the same port, so I put an official image at the top, and made it a base stage. A snippet of what I'm working is like this.

FROM node:12-alpine as base
WORKDIR /srv/app

# Dev dependencies
FROM base as dev_dependencies
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn install && \
    yarn cache clean

# Dev stage
FROM base as development

COPY . .
COPY --from=dev_dependencies /srv/app/node_modules ./node_modules
CMD ["yarn", "develop"]

# Other stages
## Build something else...


  • Ctrl+Clicking on node in FROM node:12-alpine prompts me to open The official Node docker image, which is expected.
    Screenshot from 2020-06-05 10-24-11

  • Ctrl+clicking on dev_dependencies in --from=dev_dependencies brings me back to the that stage, which is also correct.
    Screenshot from 2020-06-05 10-27-08


  • Ctrl+Clicking at base in FROM base goes back to the base stage.

What happened:

Please let me know if there are any other info I can put in here.

fix released language-server

All 4 comments

I just noticed that the recent update has made it possible to Ctrl+Click on the image name, and then open an appropriate one in DockerHub, which is _fantastic!_ .

Interesting, that feature should have been there for at least a year now... 🤔 Well, glad you find it useful, @samhwang!

As to your issue, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I have opened two tickets to address this.

Yeah I just got it working at least a month ago while I started working on some Dockerfiles for another project, and I swear I never saw it before March. :P

@samhwang I have opened #2146 to address this. Thanks again for reporting this bug!

We have released Docker 1.4.0 which contains a fix for this.

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