Vscode: Stupid jsdoc completions

Created on 7 Sep 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: microsoft/vscode

screen shot 2017-09-07 at 17 23 19

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That is a valid context for JSDoc comments in general:

Why? I'd expect that jsdoc is only used on symbol-declarations, like the declaration of Electron.SaveDialogOptions not every instantiation of it. The cursor is between the curly-brackets, nothing gets declared there, indeed nothing has been written there so for what symbol am I adding jsdoc comments?

All 3 comments

The cursor is inside the object literal, right? That is a valid context for JSDoc comments in general:

const a = {
     * Description
    b: 1

That is a valid context for JSDoc comments in general:

Why? I'd expect that jsdoc is only used on symbol-declarations, like the declaration of Electron.SaveDialogOptions not every instantiation of it. The cursor is between the curly-brackets, nothing gets declared there, indeed nothing has been written there so for what symbol am I adding jsdoc comments?



This doesn't make sense, suggesting JSDoc everywhere and putting it as the first item simply because it starts with /.

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