Wazuh-ansible: "include_vars" statement overrides variable set elsewhere (e.g., in inventory)

Created on 10 Nov 2020  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: wazuh/wazuh-ansible


I'm not certain this is a proper "issue" or just a matter of taste, but the way that "include_vars" is used in some playbooks leads to unexpected results.

In particular, I've noticed that the file roles/wazuh/ansible-wazuh-agent/tasks/Linux.yml has a handful of tasks such as

- name: Retrieving authd Credentials
  include_vars: authd_pass.yml
    - config

that obliterate the variable if it is declared elsewhere; for instance, as a group variable, within inventory, or as a task variable.

My proposal would be to move the contents of authd_pass.yml to a vars/main.yml within the role, and letting standard variable precedence do the work; this proposal would hold for other vars files that are intended to be user-configurable.

statuin-progress typenhancement

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Hello dragospe,

I agree that include_vars is probably not what we want with these variables. I believe these should be on role's default, so users of the role have plenty more options regarding where to store such credentials, because include_vars has really high precedence.

I'll take the issue, thanks for reporting !

All 3 comments

Hello dragospe,

I agree that include_vars is probably not what we want with these variables. I believe these should be on role's default, so users of the role have plenty more options regarding where to store such credentials, because include_vars has really high precedence.

I'll take the issue, thanks for reporting !

Thanks @neonmei , I just added this to the current milestone.


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