Xamarin.forms: Xamarin Forms Content View(User Control) not binding inside ListView

Created on 15 May 2018  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: xamarin/Xamarin.Forms


There is a ListView binded to a ObservableCollection of string. Listview has one label and one ContentView(containing nothing but a label). Both are binded to the same collection.

Also, there is a button which generate some random data for the collection.

Problem is when I run the app and click on Generate Data button the label gets updated but not the ContentView.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open VS 2017 and create a new Xamarin Forms blank project (standard)
  2. In MainPage.xaml Place a StackLayout with a button and a Listview
  3. Set Listview's DataTemplate to ViewCell containing one Label and one ContentView(we will create it below). Bind the Text property to ObservableCollection items.
  4. In MainPage.xaml.cs create an Observalbe property
  5. In the constructor initialize the Observable collection with some random values and set the binding context tot this.
  6. Subscribe to button click and assign some random values to the Observable Collection everytime the button is hit.
  7. Create a new ContentView(xaml) used above, and place a label inside it binded to Text property
  8. In xaml.cs create a Bindable Property Text.
  9. Or you can simply unzip and open the attached solution in VS 2017(15.7.1)
  10. Run in Android, and click on generate button.
  11. Notice the text binded to label is changing, however text binded to ContentView do not change.

Expected Behavior

Label inside the Content View should also change.

Actual Behavior

Label inside the Content View remains same

Basic Information

  • Version with issue:
  • Last known good version:
  • IDE: VS 2017 (15.7.1)
  • Platform Target Frameworks:

    • iOS:

    • Android:

    • UWP:

  • Android Support Library Version:
  • Nuget Packages:

  • Affected Devices:


Reproduction Link



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this.BindingContext = this;

in MagicBox.xaml.cs forces the BindingContext to the current object. It also means that the BindingContext from the parent is no longer inherited.

in order to make it work, change your code behind to

    public partial class MagicBox : ContentView

        public static readonly BindableProperty TextProperty =
            BindableProperty.Create("Text", typeof(string), typeof(MagicBox), default(string));

        public string Text
            get { return (string)GetValue(TextProperty); }
            set { SetValue(TextProperty, value); }

        public MagicBox ()
            InitializeComponent ();

and your xaml to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentView xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" 
          <Label Text="{Binding Text, Source={x:Reference box}}" />

All 3 comments


this.BindingContext = this;

in MagicBox.xaml.cs forces the BindingContext to the current object. It also means that the BindingContext from the parent is no longer inherited.

in order to make it work, change your code behind to

    public partial class MagicBox : ContentView

        public static readonly BindableProperty TextProperty =
            BindableProperty.Create("Text", typeof(string), typeof(MagicBox), default(string));

        public string Text
            get { return (string)GetValue(TextProperty); }
            set { SetValue(TextProperty, value); }

        public MagicBox ()
            InitializeComponent ();

and your xaml to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentView xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" 
          <Label Text="{Binding Text, Source={x:Reference box}}" />

Thanks @StephaneDelcroix, it worked :)

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