Material-design-icons: Multi-word icon names not working

Created on 21 Jul 2015  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: google/material-design-icons

Perhaps I'm not doing this right but multi-word icons (e.g. arrow drop down) don't seem to render. Here is a JSBin example:,css,output

See how single word icons like face work but arrow drop down doesn't.

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Oh, it looks like arrow_drop_down works. Is this explained in the docs somewhere? If not I'm happy to add a disclaimer.

All 3 comments

Oh, it looks like arrow_drop_down works. Is this explained in the docs somewhere? If not I'm happy to add a disclaimer.

You're right. It doesn't look like the documentation mentions this, and it probably should.

If you take a look at a specific icon on, you'll notice the "icon font" button on the bottom drawer. When clicked, the ligature and codepoint for the selected icon will be displayed.

Now tracking in #184 under a new name. Closing this issue.

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