Yarn: Optional emoji support

Created on 13 Oct 2016  ·  31Comments  ·  Source: yarnpkg/yarn

Do you want to request a _feature_ or report a _bug_?
_Feature_ (maybe a _bug_, once one of the features in README is “More emojis. 🐈” 😸)

What is the current behavior?
Emojis only for OSX

What is the expected behavior?
Emojis for other platforms

Please mention your node.js, yarn and operating system version.
node.js: v6.7.0
yarn: v0.15.1
OS: Arch Linux

This is sort of related to #405 and 9f58576d127b34aadbb0c5b89e506faf503b3e34.

As discussed in #405, emojis on Powershell are bad. But it could be good someplace else…

I tried to force enable emojis here (Gnome Terminal on Arch Linux) and worked very well (although limited to monochrome). That's because I have the properly font and configuration.

captura de tela de 2016-10-13 02-16-05

So it would be nicer if we could optionally enable emojis. It could be even an environment variable YARN_EMOJIS=1.


Most helpful comment

yarn config set -- --emoji true.

@elyobo It works! Thanks 😉.

All 31 comments

_Subjective opinion_

Emojis aren't meant to be used in professional development tools. Not all people like emojis. And I'm sure not only I am here, who dislikes image usages on CLI interface.

However, if this tool can handler emojis well, it should be optionally enabled (or disabled).

@GRIM2D yeah, your “(or disabled)” is implicitly inside my proposal of optional emojis.

I was testing yarn today and I was curious why my outputs didn't have emojis (as the documentation did). Then checking the code I found this:

emoji: process.stdout.isTTY && process.platform === 'darwin'

That's a weird imposition. The issue isn't just a opinion about emojis.

@GRIM2D In this context emoji are used as equivalents of icons that your usual GUI would have. Just because the Unicode spec calls them emoji does not automatically make them unprofessional.


emoji does not automatically make them unprofessional

But, emojis are widely used while chatting. Also I do. And I'm not saying that using emojis make tools unprofessional. I meant CLI is mostly text-based. And mostly uses English as primary language. Even being Russian native-speaker, seeing cyrillic chars on my terminal is not comfortable for me. Same goes emojis.

At last, supporting emojis only on some platforms is bad idea. While macOS (formerly OS X) fully supports emojis, how about other platforms?
And then there is a big issue with emojis - everyone interprets emojis differently. It affects designers, who draw every emoji. Just google "Same emoji different phone"

everyone interprets emojis differently

Keep in mind we're talking about glyphs such as "magnifying glass" not "slightly frowning fisherman wearing a clown suit".

Begun, the Emoji War, has.

I think I need to support Windows. But support is not good

Is there a way for chalk to render in the emojis being used along with the strings? Im not how it works.

/CC @sindresorhus

Resolved by #922.

The pull request you mentioned isn't for windows support... It's for disabling Emojis... What are you doing..

Yeah, #922 is not a solution for this issue. But maybe it's good for now. Yarn seems great but it has lots of important bugs to fix.

@daltones I understand that man ... I know its just a silly thing but He shouldn't have closed it without at least checking it first


@kittens It is not resolved by #922. That issue makes emojis optional. This issue actually is about bringing emojis to other platforms like Linux

@kittens It is not resolved...

Why not just add an option?

922 is not a fix for this (and saying that it is suggests that @kittens has misunderstood this issue). It _is_ a useful fix (there are situations where you want to disable emojis), but this is about the opposite, situations where we want to _enable_ emojis where they're currently disabled.

I assume that support under other platforms is too difficult and they don't want to deal with the support issues that they'd have by enabling it (even behind something like a --emoji flag) for something that's a bit of a gimmick rather than a key feature. Which is fair enough, but just say it if that's the case :)

Edit: PR to support forcing emojis on via --emoji added in #3126,

Above PR has been merged, so --emoji is now in master for non-Mac users :tada:

@elyobo thank you! btw, I tried it but for some reason on my terminal I don't see any Emoji (Not that it takes my sleep away...). may be @daltones can share what he did to make Emojis work on his setup?
I'm using Ubuntu + i3 + terminator

@luislobo Hello, i encountered this problem, tried various methods, including the installation of color emoji font can not be achieved.
Can refer to http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/12/quickly-find-emoji-from-the-command-line
If you can succeed, hope to be able to share here :)

@luislobo I suspect not wanting to deal with Linux users' emoji issues is why they didn't originally support this... I have no idea why your emojis aren't working, but I'm on Ubuntu too and mine are fine (although not in colour).

Did you install it from github though? npm tells me the latest release was five days ago, my PR is from four days ago, so the npm version will _not_ have emoji support on non-darwin yet.

Edit: @ifzm that emoj tool is nifty :D

$ emoj cat
🐱  🐈  😺  😻  😸  😼  😽

@elyobo thanks )
I also encountered the same problem, can not show emoji on Linux, i would like to configure what or install special fonts?
OS:Ubuntu 16.04

@daltones I hope you can share under the Linux emoji font and related configuration,thank you very much )

I'm also on 16.04, didn't do anything in particular to set it up.

On 17 May 2017 at 18:06, Jim notifications@github.com wrote:

@elyobo https://github.com/elyobo thanks )
I also encountered the same problem, can not show emoji on Linux, i would
like to configure what or install special fonts?
OS:Ubuntu 16.04

@daltones https://github.com/daltones I hope you can share under the
Linux emoji font and related configuration,thank you very much )

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@elyobo Thank you for your answer )
I will find a good reason

@elyobo sorry if this has been discussed somewhere, but is there a way to always turn on emoji so that I don't have to type --emoji all the time?

@willnode you can put a --emoji true into your .yarnrc to set this as the default.

yarn config set -- --emoji true.

@elyobo It works! Thanks 😉.

yarn config set -- --emoji false also works. Thanks!😌

Hey, hey, hey, why would you want to go and do that @R-A-S? :D

Hey, hey, hey, why would you want to go and do that @R-A-S? :D

Just checked. And turned back "true" 😃

yarn config set -- --emoji true its worked thanks boii

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