Angular-google-maps: How to leverage the maxWidth property of SebmGoogleMapInfoWindow?

Created on 14 Sep 2016  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: SebastianM/angular-google-maps

I'm using the latest version of angular2-google-maps (0.14.0) and I'd like to use the maxWidth property of SebmGoogleMapInfoWindow, but it's unclear to me (from the documentation) how you would pass this configuration option. Is this only possible when calling SebmGoogleMapInfoWindow programmatically instead of creating it in a template like below?

  <sebm-google-map-marker *ngFor="let location of locations" [latitude]="location.latitude" [longitude]="location.longitude">
    <sebm-google-map-info-window [disableAutoPan]="false">
      InfoWindow stuff...
urgent AgmInfoWindow bug

All 3 comments

@mensch it's possible like this:

<sebm-google-map-info-window [disableAutoPan]="false" [maxWidth]="myWidth">
      InfoWindow stuff...

Feel free to reopen if you think there is a bug.

@SebastianM Thanks for the reply! I tried using maxWidth as an input (as well as zIndex), but I get the following error:

Can't bind to 'maxWidth' since it isn't a known property of 'sebm-google-map-info-window'.

For some reason isOpen and disableAutoPan do not trigger the same error, I'm using them without any problems.

Oh you're right, thats a bug! The binding is missing. We add that to the todays release (with angular 2.0.0 support)

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