Angular-google-maps: How to fit the height of map to screen size

Created on 4 Feb 2018  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: SebastianM/angular-google-maps

I want to fit the height of map to Screen size. I tried height:100%. But it doesn't work. Can you please tell me how to do it?

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I wrap the AGM tag in two container elements

<div class="outer-wrapper">
  <div class="map-wrapper" id="wrapper" #wrapper>

I then set the outer container to 100%, the inner container to some arbitrary height (it doesn't matter),
and the AGM element to 100% through CSS like this.

.outer-wrapper {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

  .map-wrapper {
    height: 400px;

    agm-map {
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

I then use the following functions in the component to capture the idle, centerChange, and resize events

  onWindowResize() {

  ngAfterViewInit() {
      this.wrapper.nativeElement, 'height',
      (window.innerHeight) + 'px'

  onResize() {
    // resize the container for the google map
      this.wrapper.nativeElement, 'height',
      (window.innerHeight ) + 'px'

    // recenters the map to the resized area.
    this.agmMap.triggerResize().then(() =>  
       this.agmMap._mapsWrapper.setCenter({lat: this.centerLat, lng: this.centerLng}));

  // idle fires after paning or zooming is done. 
  // This is where we want to capture the center of the map.
  // This way if the user resizes, the center is preserved.
  idle() {
    this.centerLat = this.changeLat;
    this.centerLng = this.changeLng;

// this event fires whenever any event changes the center. Panning, zooming, or resizing.
  centerChange(event: any) {
    if (event) {
      this.changeLat =;
      this.changeLng = event.lng;

Also have the following variables set

@ViewChild('AgmMap') agmMap: any;
  @ViewChild('wrapper') wrapper: ElementRef;

public latitude: number;
  public longitude: number;
  private centerLat: number;
  private centerLng: number;
  public zoom: number;

  private changeLat: number;
  private changeLng: number;

Just make sure you use the Renderer from @angular/core as well as HostListener

All 3 comments

I wrap the AGM tag in two container elements

<div class="outer-wrapper">
  <div class="map-wrapper" id="wrapper" #wrapper>

I then set the outer container to 100%, the inner container to some arbitrary height (it doesn't matter),
and the AGM element to 100% through CSS like this.

.outer-wrapper {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

  .map-wrapper {
    height: 400px;

    agm-map {
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

I then use the following functions in the component to capture the idle, centerChange, and resize events

  onWindowResize() {

  ngAfterViewInit() {
      this.wrapper.nativeElement, 'height',
      (window.innerHeight) + 'px'

  onResize() {
    // resize the container for the google map
      this.wrapper.nativeElement, 'height',
      (window.innerHeight ) + 'px'

    // recenters the map to the resized area.
    this.agmMap.triggerResize().then(() =>  
       this.agmMap._mapsWrapper.setCenter({lat: this.centerLat, lng: this.centerLng}));

  // idle fires after paning or zooming is done. 
  // This is where we want to capture the center of the map.
  // This way if the user resizes, the center is preserved.
  idle() {
    this.centerLat = this.changeLat;
    this.centerLng = this.changeLng;

// this event fires whenever any event changes the center. Panning, zooming, or resizing.
  centerChange(event: any) {
    if (event) {
      this.changeLat =;
      this.changeLng = event.lng;

Also have the following variables set

@ViewChild('AgmMap') agmMap: any;
  @ViewChild('wrapper') wrapper: ElementRef;

public latitude: number;
  public longitude: number;
  private centerLat: number;
  private centerLng: number;
  public zoom: number;

  private changeLat: number;
  private changeLng: number;

Just make sure you use the Renderer from @angular/core as well as HostListener


Good day.

Works for a resize, quick question, how would I set this at first load? When the page loads in the web browser, to have it resize to fit the current screen? Thanks.


Nevermind :)

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