Auto: Hitting GH rate-limit when generating changelog over very large amount of commits

Created on 30 Jul 2020  ·  29Comments  ·  Source: intuit/auto

Describe the bug

The auto shipit command somehow manages to exceed GH's API rate limit when trying to generate a changelog post release. (See screenshots)

To Reproduce

Run auto shipit

To have this error, you need to have a repository that has no releases but has many many many prs and commits, so essentially high velocity codebase.

Expected behavior

A new version is released with a changelog and release.




Environment information:

Environment Information:

"auto" version: v9.49.1
"git"  version: v2.26.0
"node" version: v13.12.0

Project Information:

✔ Repository:      project (​​)
✔ Author Name:     Paul Dariye
✔ Author Email:    [email protected]
✔ Current Version: v0.0.23
✔ Latest Release:  0.0.1 (​​)

✖ Labels configured on GitHub project (Try running "auto create-labels")

GitHub Token Information:

✔ Token:            [Token starting with 76e5]
✔ Repo Permission:  admin
✔ User:             dariye
✔ API:              undefined (​undefined​)
✔ Enabled Scopes:   read:packages, repo, write:packages
✔ Rate Limit:       552/5000

Additional context

I was able to get around this by passing the --no-changelog flag.

I traced the error to this line of code


Most helpful comment

@vincentbriglia I'm pretty sure that i've fixed the problem in your logs in #1424

Could you install the canary version? It's all under a different scope so you'll have to replace all the package names:

yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]

yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]
yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]
yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]
yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]

@dariye If you could try to test too I would appreciate it!

All 29 comments

Any chance I could see the repo to play around with?

wow thats a lot of requests

Also if I could get a fuller log that might help

Was actually able to recreate locally. Don't need anything from you other than hope 😉

We do create a lot of similar requests in semantic-release, and we didn't hit the abuse limit, not that I'm aware of. There should be a 3s timeout between requests that create a comment, do you see that happening in your logs?

Just to be sure: do you use a single Octokit instance across all these requests?

Pretty sure we are only creating 1.

That happens here

which should only be initialized once at startup

I can check though

Verfied: only created once

To test this issue on auto:

yarn build
yarn auto changelog --from v1.0.0 -d

I think this is related to but we only have 1 instance of octokit running so we shouldn't need to cluster

do you do any GraphQL requests?

Can you confirm that you see the "went over the abuse limits" logs occur at a rate of roughly 1 per 3 seconds?

Ah that might be it. we use @octokit/graphql but I saw today that you can do it straight though octokit. will try that too

we use @octokit/graphql but I saw today that you can do it straight though octokit

Yes, that way it shares the same request settings & request life cycle hooks


Okay running now. Got an hour on my rate limit wait left though 😢

@hipstersmoothie you can use our github instance if you're hitting this - we are seeing the same thing

Can you link me to the build log?

I have sent you the build log, as this is on a closed repo.

@vincentbriglia I'm pretty sure that i've fixed the problem in your logs in #1424

Could you install the canary version? It's all under a different scope so you'll have to replace all the package names:

yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]

yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]
yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]
yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]
yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]

@dariye If you could try to test too I would appreciate it!

Tried it out with

"@auto-canary/all-contributors": "9.49.2-canary.1424.17767.0",
"@auto-canary/auto": "9.49.2-canary.1424.17767.0",
"@auto-canary/conventional-commits": "9.49.2-canary.1424.17767.0",
"@auto-canary/first-time-contributor": "9.49.2-canary.1424.17767.0",
"@auto-canary/npm": "9.49.2-canary.1424.17767.0",
"@auto-canary/released": "9.49.2-canary.1424.17767.0",

still an issue with the github runner GITHUB_TOKEN

trying with a personal token now (I have seen some discrepancies before)

didn't work with a personal token either.

I gave you access to the private repo @hipstersmoothie - branch from next branch

Thanks! Was able to solve your issue pretty quick.

I don't think this is the same issue @dariye is having though.

confirmed that that fixed the issue I was having @hipstersmoothie - have a nice weekend !

however @hipstersmoothie this change now stopped publishing and/or correctly calculating semver releases.

I think auto is behaving as expected. I alluded to this here. This is because the conventional commits plugin treat all non-semver commit messages as skip-release (ex: chore, docs, etc).

This is the PR that implemented it

Would you prefer for the conventional commit plugin to not do this? (eg: don't skip for doc/chore/etc)

@vincentbriglia I'm pretty sure that i've fixed the problem in your logs in #1424

Could you install the canary version? It's all under a different scope so you'll have to replace all the package names:

yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]

yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]
yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]
yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]
yarn add @auto-canary/[email protected]

@dariye If you could try to test too I would appreciate it!

I'll test it today and get back to you.

@hipstersmoothie this is still an issue when generating a changelog.

So everything seemed to work when I had the --no-changelog flag. However, I took it off and we just try to use auto shipit in the CI and it fails with the same rate limit hit error.

@hipstersmoothie I added a little more context ☝️

@hipstersmoothie thanks a lot for looking into this. I think the recent releases have fixed this. I'll go ahead and close this. auto's working pretty nicely for us now. Thanks again

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