Auto: Version prefix is not being added in Pre-releases

Created on 6 Oct 2020  ·  8Comments  ·  Source: intuit/auto

Describe the bug

The prefix v is not being added when auto shipit (or auto next) is executed in a prerelease branch.
The option --no-version-prefix is ignored.

To Reproduce

  1. Run auto shipit without --no-version-prefix in a branch listed in prereleaseBranches
  2. The published Github Pre-Release doesn't contain the prefix v

Expected behavior

Add prefix v to prerelease branches when --no-version-prefix is false.


// .autorc.json
  "baseBranch": "master",
  "prereleaseBranches": ["develop"]

Note that the Release contains the prefix.


Environment information:

"auto" version: v9.54.3
"git"  version: v2.28.0
"node" version: v12.18.4

Additional context

I've noticed that the next command is not using the prefixRelease function as other commands do.
I can implement the parameter --no-version-prefix for the next command if that makes sense, or just use prefixRelease directly without the new parameter.

bug released

All 8 comments

is this with the npm plugin?

No, without the npm plugin

Any chance this repo is public?

Yes! I created a minimum working example here:

:rocket: Issue was released in v9.54.4 :rocket:

@brunobertoldi Can you test out with that version?

Yes, it works!

Thanks, @hipstersmoothie!

Oh, I've noticed that the fix doesn't cover the --quiet flag:

Github Action Screenshot


Should I open another issue?

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