Django-tables2: 动态添加列的直观方法

创建于 2012-04-17  ·  3评论  ·  资料来源: jieter/django-tables2


class StatsTable(tables.Table):
   class Meta:
        orderable = False
        attrs = {'class': 'tablesorter'}

    def __init__(self, form, request, *args, **kwargs):
        rf_values = form.get_values()
        rf_annotations = form.get_annotations()
        rf_filter = form.get_filter()
        rf_calculations = form.get_calculations()                  
        data = list(
        super(StatsTable, self).__init__(data, *args, **kwargs)      
        columns = rf_values + rf_annotations.keys() + rf_calculations
        for col in columns:
            self.base_columns[col] = tables.Column()     

真正像这样使用它的唯一问题是我不能简单地调用 super() 最后它必须在中间。 我猜是因为元类实际上并没有在其自身上查找 base_columns,而只是在继承的模型上查找。 真的,这似乎比 django 表单上的 self.fields 更混乱。


我通过将动态列附加到 self.base_columns 来添加它们:

self.base_columns['column_name'] = tables.Column()


class ComponenteContableColumns(tables.Table):

    """Table that shows ComponentesContables as columns."""

    a_static_columns = tables.Column()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Create a copy of base_columns to restore at the end.
        self._bc = copy.deepcopy(self.base_columns)
        # Your dynamic columns added here:
        if today is 'monday':
            self.base_columns['monday'] = tables.Column()
        if today is 'tuesday':
            self.base_columns['tuesday'] = tables.Column()
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # restore original base_column to avoid permanent columns.
        type(self).base_columns = self._bc


我通过将动态列附加到 self.base_columns 来添加它们:

self.base_columns['column_name'] = tables.Column()


class ComponenteContableColumns(tables.Table):

    """Table that shows ComponentesContables as columns."""

    a_static_columns = tables.Column()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Create a copy of base_columns to restore at the end.
        self._bc = copy.deepcopy(self.base_columns)
        # Your dynamic columns added here:
        if today is 'monday':
            self.base_columns['monday'] = tables.Column()
        if today is 'tuesday':
            self.base_columns['tuesday'] = tables.Column()
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # restore original base_column to avoid permanent columns.
        type(self).base_columns = self._bc

我和@jmfederico有同样的问题,不得不将他建议的黑客(解决方法)落实到位。 关于如何将列动态添加到表中是否有更好的建议? 我有一个表格,上面有来自查询的日期,所以根据它的过滤方式,它可能有或多或少和不同的日期。 我一辈子都想不通,为什么有时我们有一些额外的列不在查询中,却发现这是同样的问题。


class ActivitySummaryTable(TableWithRawData):
    activity = tables.Column(verbose_name=_('Activity'), orderable=False)
    # the rest of the columns will be added based on the filter provided

    def __init__(self, extra_cols, *args, **kwargs):
        """Pass in a list of tuples of extra columns to add in the format (colunm_name, column)"""
        # Temporary hack taken from: to avoid the issue where
        # we got the same columns from the previous instance added back
        # Create a copy of base_columns to restore at the end.
        _bc = copy.deepcopy(self.base_columns)
        for col_name, col in extra_cols:
            self.base_columns[col_name] = col
        super(ActivitySummaryTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # restore original base_column to avoid permanent columns.
        type(self).base_columns = _bc

    class Meta:
        attrs = {'class': 'table'}
        order_by = ('activity',)

我们过滤日期然后在末尾添加 2 个杂散日期的示例

使用extra_columns参数在 817d711 中修复

0 / 5 - 0 等级


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