Ctags: (after release) Move Homebrew formula to the main Homebrew repository

Created on 6 Nov 2015  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: universal-ctags/ctags

If we move to the main homebrew repo, then their build farm will take care of building binaries for 4 different versions of Mac OS. I'll take care of this.

MacOS Packaging

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Please, could you consider a MacPort version for Mac? MacPort is way more suitable for enterprise deployment (multi user for real, no permission issues, able to create a standalone package from the port tree to avoid using MacPort on all devices except the admin engine, etc.).

In all way, it's way more than better to use MacPort instead of Homebrew, and the work done for MacPort will bring you closer to a support for BSD ports.

All 4 comments

Good idea. Note however that I have found that the formula does not match the current build process and prerequisites. I am maintaining an updated one here which I would be happy to contribute if you find it useful and tell me how (can’t do a PR as it is not a fork of the official repo).

Yes, please do contribute it. If you fork the official repo and merge in your changes manually, you can open a PR, tag me in it, and I will merge it.

It would great if we had a tagged release so this could move forward. I made a PR to expose the --with-universal-ctags option in the GNU global homebrew formula, but it can't go forward while the universal ctags formula lies outside the homebrew-core repository.


Please, could you consider a MacPort version for Mac? MacPort is way more suitable for enterprise deployment (multi user for real, no permission issues, able to create a standalone package from the port tree to avoid using MacPort on all devices except the admin engine, etc.).

In all way, it's way more than better to use MacPort instead of Homebrew, and the work done for MacPort will bring you closer to a support for BSD ports.

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