Definitelytyped: [@types/react] RefObject.current should no longer be readonly

Created on 5 Dec 2018  ·  48Comments  ·  Source: DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped

It is now okay to assign to ref.current, see example:

Trying to assign a value to it gives the error: Cannot assign to 'current' because it is a constant or a read-only property.

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It's not. It'a intentionally left readonly to ensure correct usage, even if it's not frozen. Refs initialized with null without specifically indicating you want to be able to assign null to it are interpreted as refs you want to be managed by React -- i.e. React "owns" the current and you're just viewing it.

If you want a mutable ref object that starts with a null value, make sure to also give | null to the generic argument. That will make it mutable, because you "own" it and not React.

Perhaps this is easier for me to understand as I have worked with pointer-based languages often before and ownership is _very_ important in them. And that's what refs are, a pointer. .current is dereferencing the pointer.

All 48 comments

A PR would be appreciated! It should be a very easy one line change 😊

Hi, I like to pick this issue. As I am new to typescript (just a week) and it will be my first contribution to open source.

I have gone through node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts and there is the following code at line no 61 which declare current as readonly.

interface RefObject<T> {
        readonly current: T | null;

if this is the issue, then I can solve. can you guide for my first PR?
Thank you for your time :)

Yes, it's just removing the readonly modifier on that line.

React.useRef returns a MutableRefObject whose current property is not readonly. I suppose the question is whether the ref object types should be unified.

They should be unified, the React runtime has no limitation on the current property created by React.createRef(), the object itself is sealed but not frozen.

It's not. It'a intentionally left readonly to ensure correct usage, even if it's not frozen. Refs initialized with null without specifically indicating you want to be able to assign null to it are interpreted as refs you want to be managed by React -- i.e. React "owns" the current and you're just viewing it.

If you want a mutable ref object that starts with a null value, make sure to also give | null to the generic argument. That will make it mutable, because you "own" it and not React.

Perhaps this is easier for me to understand as I have worked with pointer-based languages often before and ownership is _very_ important in them. And that's what refs are, a pointer. .current is dereferencing the pointer.

That's fair, I've been using React.createRef() as a helper function to just create a pointer, as React won't manage it unless it's passed in as a ref prop, but you can just as well create a simple pointer object with the same structure.

We could modify createRef to have the same overload logic, but because there is no argument it'd have to be with a conditional type return. If you include | null it'd return MutableRefObject, if you don't it'd be (immutable) RefObject.

Would that work for those who don't have strictNullTypes enabled, though?


Should we really make it easier to write incorrect code for those that _do_ have strictNullTypes enabled?

When I created this issue I didn't realize there already was this | null overload. It isn't a very common pattern so I didn't expect something like that to exist. I don't know how I missed it in the documentation though, it is very well documented and explained. I'm fine with closing this as a non-issue unless you want to unify useRef and createRef.

Since the issue itself was based on useRef and not createRef, I'm also okay with closing this as very few people out there directly modify the dereferenced pointer value in createRef.

I do wonder though if this overload pattern will pan out well, looking at the hooks documentation we see a few uses of useRef with a default value, in which case the value of .current may never be null but it can be kind of annoying for users to constantly use the non-null assertion operator to get past it.

Would it make more sense for the return value to be mutable if an initial value is given, but immutable if it is omitted? If an initial value is given, then the ref probably isn't going to be passed to a component via ref, and used more like an instance variable. On the other hand, when creating a ref solely to be passed to a component, then an initial value probably won't be provided.

That's kind of what I was thinking. @Kovensky what are your thoughts?

@ferdaber useRef as it is defined right now will always be mutable _and_ not nullable unless you explicitly both give it a generic argument that does not include | null and an initial value of null.

Refs that are passed to a component should be initialized with null because that's what React sets refs to when they are being released (e.g. when unmounting a component that is conditionally mounted). useRef without passing a value would cause it to start undefined instead, so now you'd also have to add | undefined to something that only had to care about | null.

The problem in React's documentation and using useRef without an initial value is that the React team doesn't seem to much care about the difference between null and undefined. That might be a Flow thing.

Anyway, the way I defined useRef fits exactly @bschlenk's use case, only that null is the "ommitted" value, for the reasons I mention above.

Ah, looking more closely shows that, and it's interesting that it's initialized as undefined in the React source without a parameter. Cool so everything's all peachy, it sounds like 👍

I think it is fine the way it is, just a bit odd that whether you include the | null, the type of current still can be null, just the mutability has changed. Also, the React docs always explicitly pass null, so is it even valid to omit the initialValue?

It's generally not, and at least in the past when I pointed that out in some piece of documentation the React team said that "even if it works" it's not intended to be ommitted.

It's why the first argument to createContext is required, for example, even if you do want a context to start with undefined. You have to actually pass undefined.

Looks like in some usages it's not using the parameter:

@ferdaber that's because they're not caring about types there. What should the type of current in a useRef() (no arguments) be? undefined? any? Whatever it is, even if you give a generic argument, it'll have to be |ed with undefined. _And_ if it is a ref that you use as a react element ref (not just as thread local storage) then you also have to | null because React may write a null there.

Now you find yourself the current being T | null | undefined instead of just T.

// you should always give an argument even if the docs sometimes miss them
// $ExpectError
const ref1 = useRef()
// this is a mutable ref but you can only assign `null` to it
const ref2 = useRef(null)
// this is also a mutable ref but you can only assign `undefined`
const ref3 = useRef(undefined)
// this is a mutable ref of number
const ref4 = useRef(0)
// this is a mutable ref of number | null
const ref5 = useRef<number | null>(null)
// this is a mutable ref with an object
const ref6 = useRef<React.CSSProperties>({})
// this is a mutable ref that can hold an HTMLElement
const ref7 = useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null)
// this is the only case where the ref is immutable
// you did not say in the generic argument you want to be able to write
// null into it, but you gave a null anyway.
// I am taking this as the sign that this ref is intended
// to be used as an element ref (i.e. owned by React, you're only sharing)
const ref8 = useRef<HTMLElement>(null)
// not allowed, because you didn't say you want to write undefined in it
// this is essentially what would happen if we allowed useRef with no arguments
// to make it worse, you can't use it as an element ref, because
// React might write a null into it anyway.
// $ExpectError
const ref9 = useRef<HTMLElement>(undefined)

Yeah this DX works for me, and the documentation is A++ so I don't think most people will get confused on it. Thanks for this elaboration! Honestly you should just permalink this issue in the typedoc :)

There could be a case for supporting useRef<T>() and making it behave the same as useRef<T | undefined>(undefined); but whatever ref you make with that still can't be used as an element ref, just as thread local storage.

The problem is... what happens if you _don't_ give a generic argument, which is allowed? TypeScript will just infer {}. The correct default type is unknown but we can't use it.

I'm getting this error with the following code:

// ...
let intervalRef = useRef(null); // also tried with const instead of let
// ...
useEffect( () => {
const interval = setInterval( () => { /* do something */}, 1000);
intervalRef.current = interval; // In this line I'm getting the error

return () => {

// ...
And when I remove the readonly in here it works:
interface RefObject {
readonly current: T | null;

I'm new with both reack hooks and typescript (just trying them out together) so my code could be wrong

By default if you create a ref with a null default value and specify its generic parameter you're signaling your intent to have React "own" the reference. If you want to be able to mutate a ref that you own you should declare it like so:

const intervalRef= useRef<NodeJS.Timeout | null>(null) // <-- the generic type is NodeJS.Timeout | null

@ferdaber Thanks for that!

Taking this a stage further and looking at the return type of current, should it perhaps be T rather than T | null? With the advent of hooks, we _don't always_ have the case that all refs might be null, particularly in the frequent case where useRef is called with a non-null initializer.

Carrying on from the excellent example list in, if I write:

const numericRef = useRef<number>(42);

what should the type of numericRef.current be? There's no _need_ for it to be number | null.

If we defined the types and functions as follows:

interface RefObject<T> {
  current: T;

function useRef<T>(initialValue: T): RefObject<T>;
function useRef<T>(initialValue: T|null): RefObject<T | null>;

function createRef<T>(): RefObject<T | null>;

that would produce the following usages and types:

const r1 = useRef(42);
// r1 is of type RefObject<number>
// r1.current is of type number (not number | null)

const r2 = useRef<number>(null);
// r2 is of type RefObject<number | null>
// r2.current is of type number | null

const r3 = useRef(null);
// r3 is of type RefObject<null>
// r3.current is of type null

const r4 = createRef<number>();
// r4 is of type RefObject<number | null>
// r4.current is of type number | null

Is anything there wrong?

For the answer to "what is the type of an unparameterised useRef?", the answer is that that call (despite the documentation) is incorrect, according to the React team.

I added the overload with |null _specifically_ as a convenience overload for DOM/component refs, because they always start null, they are always reset to null on unmount, and you never reassign the current yourself, only React.

The readonly is there more to guard against logic errors than a representation of true JavaScript frozen object / getter-only property.

You can only make it by accident when you both give a generic argument that says you do not accept null while initializing the value to null anyway. Any other case will be mutable.

Ah, yes, I see now that MutableRefObject<T> already has the | null case removed, compared to RefObject<T>. So the useRef<number>(42) case already works correctly. Thanks for the clarification!

What do we need to do with createRef? Right now it returns an immutable RefObject<T>, which is causing problems in our codebase as we'd like to pass them around and use them in the same way as (mutable) useRef ref objects. Is there a way we could tweak the createRef typing to allow it to form mutable ref objects?

(And the ref attribute is defined to be of type Ref<T> which includes RefObject<T>, thereby making everything immutable. This is a big problem for us: even if we get a mutable ref out of useRef, we can't make use of the fact that it's immutable through a forwardRef call.)

Hmm... perhaps we could use the same trick, only because it has no arguments (and always starts as null) it'd need a conditional type.

: null extends T ? MutableRefObject<T> : RefObject<T> should do and use the same logic. If you say you want to put nulls in it it's mutable, if you don't it's still immutable in the current meaning.

That's a very nice idea. Because createRef takes no parameter, it presumably always needs to include an | null options (unlike useRef), so that would probably need to say MutableRefObject<T | null>?

I've not been able to get either to work in TS. Here's the TS playground configured with it:

The type is always detected as MutableRefObject.

What do you think we can do with forwardRef? It declares the ref as being a Ref<T>, which doesn't include the possibility of a MutableRefObject.

(Our use case that's causing difficulty is that of a mergeRefs function that takes an array of refs, which could either be functional refs or ref objects, and creates a single combined ref [a functional ref] which can be passed to a component. That combined ref then delivers any incoming referenced element to all the provided refs, either by calling them if they're functional refs, or by setting .current if they're ref objects. But the existence of the immutable RefObject<T> and the lack of inclusion of MutableRefObject<T> in Ref<T> makes that hard. Should I raise a separate issue for the forwardRef and Ref difficulties?)

We are not changing the type for useRef for the reasons detailed above (though createRef is still under discussion), did you have any questions on the rationale?

Should I raise a separate issue for the items covered in

Yes, let's separate it out.

If you want a mutable ref object that starts with a null value, make sure to also give | null to the generic argument. That will make it mutable, because you "own" it and not React.

Thanks for this! Adding null to the useRef generic solved it for me.


const ref = useRef<SomeType>(null) 

// Later error: Cannot assign to 'current' because it is a constant or a read-only property.


const ref = useRef<SomeType | null>(null)

Did another comment about forwardRef components get created? Essentially, you can't forward a ref and change it's current value directly, which I think is part of the point of forwarding the ref.

I created the following hook:

export const useCombinedRefs = <T>(...refs: Ref<T>[]) =>
        (element: T) =>
            refs.forEach(ref => {
                if (!ref) {

                if (typeof ref === 'function') {
                } else {
                    ref.current = element; // this line produces error

And I get an error: "Cannot assign to 'current' because it is a read-only property."
Is there a way to solve it without changing current to writeable?

For that, you're going to have to cheat.

(ref.current as React.MutableRefObject<T> ).current = element;

Yes, this is a bit unsound, but it's the only case I can think of where this kind of assignment is deliberate and not an accident -- you're replicating an internal behavior of React and thus have to break the rules.

We could modify createRef to have the same overload logic, but because there is no argument it'd have to be with a conditional type return. If you include | null it'd return MutableRefObject, if you don't it'd be (immutable) RefObject.

thanks a lot

(ref.current as React.MutableRefObject<T>).current = element;

should be:

(ref as React.MutableRefObject<T>).current = element;

you're replicating an internal behavior of React

Does that mean the docs here are outdated? Because they clearly describe this as an intended workflow, not internal behavior.

The docs in that case is referring to a ref that you own, but for refs that you pass as a ref attribute to an HTML element, then they should be readonly _to you_.

function Component() {
  // same API, different type semantics
  const countRef = useRef<number>(0); // not readonly
  const divRef = useRef<HTMLElement>(null); // readonly

  return <button ref={divRef} onClick={() => countRef.current++}>Click me</button>

My bad, should've scrolled up further. Got an error about readonly for a ref I owned and assumed that that was the same case. (I use a different workflow now and can't reproduce the error any more, unfortunately...)

Anyway, thank you very much for the explanation!

I'm unclear if the createRef portion of the topic moved - but I will post here also.

I use a popular navigation library for React Native (React Navigation). In its documentation it commonly calls createRef and then mutates the ref. I am sure that this is because React isn't managing them (there is no DOM).

Should the type for React Native be different?


I also faced this problem when initializing navigation, have you found a solution?

Summarising what I just read: The only way to set a value to a ref created by createRef<T> is to cast it every time you use it? What's the reasoning behind that? In that case the readonly is practically preventing settings a value to the ref at all, therefore defeating the whole purpose of the function.

TLDR: If your initial value is null (details: or something else outside of the type parameter), then add | null to your type parameter, and that should make .current able to be assigned to like normal.

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