Docker-mailman: Run in parallel with mailcow-dockerized

Created on 15 Sep 2020  ·  5Comments  ·  Source: maxking/docker-mailman

Is it possible to run docker-mailman in parallel with mailcow-dockerized?
The main issue that comes to mind is the web frontend that has to be passed through by a reverse proxy?


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@strarsis, yes is possible.
Some configurations must be done in order to proper connect from mailman-core to postfix and inverse.

Actually i configured a volume to have access to the regexp lists on postfix container as well as on mailman-core container. Furthermore it was necessary to overwrite the mta configuration in order to force the STARTTLS.

Also i needed to work with the vmap from mailman to got it proper configured, but in my test it finally worked. At there is a try to combine both projects. I didn't tested it out yet, working on my own compose.

For web it is strongly recommended to have a reverse proxy in front of it.

@monofox: Would it be worth the extra costs of a separate server/cloud instance just for the mailer/newsletter/newsgroup daemon? OTOH, mailcodw already ships with extra web services like SOGO.

@strarsis In regular cases for small usage not required from my point of view. Mostly depends on the host systems capabilities and resources.

@monofox: There are also other services like mailmonk for newsletters/mailing lists. Any recommendations?

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