Edge-home-orchestration-go: Alternate for logmgr (GoLang logging framework)

Created on 20 Nov 2020  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: lf-edge/edge-home-orchestration-go

_Reference: https://github.com/lf-edge/edge-home-orchestration-go/issues/173#issuecomment-730330067_

The current logmgr imports a 3rd party library for its GoLang logging framework, but it does not have any license statement. We need to apply its alternate library which has been released under a permissive license in open source communities.

You can refer to the current logmgr with this topic as follows:


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I found the licese statement from 3rd-party logger library. It may be added a few hours ago^^.
However, I'd like to say we'd better use well-known logger ather than somone's persnal logger. ( If I miss-understood, please let mt know. ) I don't know what loggers are mostly used for golang, so I've just searched and found some keywords such as Logrus, glog. Please consider them as alternative logger. Just my two cents.

All 6 comments

I found homeedge(config.go) uses logrus as well. so I'd like to suggest to use logrus as a logging framework.

@t25kim Thank you for the prompt suggestion! It is under MIT License and it seems good to me.

I found the licese statement from 3rd-party logger library. It may be added a few hours ago^^.
However, I'd like to say we'd better use well-known logger ather than somone's persnal logger. ( If I miss-understood, please let mt know. ) I don't know what loggers are mostly used for golang, so I've just searched and found some keywords such as Logrus, glog. Please consider them as alternative logger. Just my two cents.

@mgjeong Thank you, MJ. We will check out your proposal. As you said (and some codes in our edge-home-orchestration-go), we found Logrus used already in our codes.

Great. ^^

The current license issue is resolved since the current logger is now under Apache 2.0 license. Then the remainder is :

  • Consider to go / no-go : Adopt more popular logging framework as suggested by @mgjeong.
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