Eto: Support Visual Studio for Mac 2019

Created on 15 Apr 2019  ·  14Comments  ·  Source: picoe/Eto

It's visualstudio 2019 for mac. When import 2.4.1, get warning required MonoDevelop.Core7.3 found:MonoDevelop.Core 8.0.2;
and the visual studio is blocking...

All 14 comments

Hey @jzlhll, thanks for reporting the issue. The extension has not yet been updated to support Visual Studio 2019 (or MonoDevelop 8.0). This will be done soon, along with the 2.5 release.

Sorry to be annoying about this, but can this be knocked out sooner than later? Is there something we can do to move this along (i.e. compile it ourselves - are there instructions?).

For users needing to downgrade, while not supported by MS, older VSMac downloads can be found in the benefits section of MSDN:

For users needing to downgrade, while not supported by MS, older VSMac downloads can be found in the benefits section of MSDN:

Can you install both versions side by side?

For users needing to downgrade, while not supported by MS, older VSMac downloads can be found in the benefits section of MSDN:

Can you install both versions side by side?

No you can't because when you install 2017 it tells you there's already an up-to-date version installed already.
Be careful to change .NET Runtime in Preferences > Project > .NET Runtimes to the previous Mono or you won't be able to restore packages.

For me, the above link, when opened, says that it cannot find subscriptions for me (attached is a screenshot of the page)

Addin for the latest VS can be downloaded here.

I'd really appreciate if someone could give it a whirl!

Beware of the noob testing things (that's me 🙇). Disclaimers aside, here's what I found so far:


  • installed the adding for VS2019 mac.
  • opened the samples solution
  • then this happens:


Building any of the tutorials also fails with /Users/Bender/Documents/dev/Eto/src/Eto.Mac/AppDelegate.cs(7,7): Error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'MonoMac' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (CS0246) (Eto.Mac64)

I'll be digging today a bit more, including setting up eto apps via the addin provided templates. Not sure this is the right place to log this, feel free to point me in the right direction.

Update: the missing monomac.csproj files errors were because I forgot to clone the submodule too.

Tutorials from sample dir build fine now!

One more issue i've stumbled on: when creating a new eto app, and selecting as well a .netcore target:


the project won't build and it throws this error:

/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/3.1.100/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets(5,5): Error NETSDK1005: Assets file '/Users/Bender/Documents/dev/Skunkworks/AccountsManager/AccountsManager/AccountsManager/obj/project.assets.json' doesn't have a target for '.NETStandard,Version=v2.0'. Ensure that restore has run and that you have included 'netstandard2.0' in the TargetFrameworks for your project. (NETSDK1005) (AccountsManager)

Tried looking for a fix, but it's beyond me. Works fine if .net core is unchecked.

@didimitrie thanks for the testing! It is very appreciated.

As for the error you're encountering there, I think it's an issue with VS for Mac when you mix projects with <TargetFrameworks> and <TargetFramework> (note the 's'). If you change the <TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework> to <TargetFrameworks>netstandard2.0</TargetFrameworks> in AccountsManager.csproj, it _should_ work. I think I'll update the templates so it only uses <TargetFrameworks> for everything to avoid this issue.

Addin for the latest VS can be downloaded here.

I'd really appreciate if someone could give it a whirl!

The artefact is already missing ;(

@sfkleach, seems like they're still there-ish, albeit a bit more digging through the azure pipelines is needed -> this seems to be the latest.

BTW, 2.5.0 was released so you can get the official release here.

Give it a go and please file new issues for anything that you find to be broken.

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