Faraday: Default request timeout value?

Created on 23 Sep 2014  ·  5Comments  ·  Source: lostisland/faraday

Rather than setting a timeout per request, is it possible to set a default across all connections opened within a session?

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Since I see very few correct mentions of this elsewhere, the builder version of this in 0.9.2 is this, with the options attribute being the request option defaults:

Faraday::Connection.new('https://api.example.com') do |builder|
  builder.options[:open_timeout] = 2
  builder.options[:timeout] = 5
  builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter

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Any option that can be edited per request can also be set on the Connection instance that you can use to make all your requests.

conn = Faraday.new("https://api.example.com", request: {
  open_timeout: 2,   # opening a connection
  timeout: 5         # waiting for response


Perfect, thanks!

Since I see very few correct mentions of this elsewhere, the builder version of this in 0.9.2 is this, with the options attribute being the request option defaults:

Faraday::Connection.new('https://api.example.com') do |builder|
  builder.options[:open_timeout] = 2
  builder.options[:timeout] = 5
  builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter

Both examples explain how to set per request, How I can set globally?

@neohunter the example above will set it for each request done from that connection. Faraday doesn't currently support a global setting for all connections, but that shouldn't really be necessary as the number of connections you manage should be just a few (actually, only one in most cases).

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