Faraday: Testing page for new documentation

Created on 9 Jul 2019  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: lostisland/faraday

Basic Info

  • Faraday Version: master
  • Ruby Version: 2.6.3

Issue description

There is no documentation on testing with Faraday. Where I work Ruby on Rails was introduced because it's cool. Little thought was given to testing red-cases. I'd like to contribute some documentation to help others

Steps to reproduce

  • visit website.
  • Click usage
  • follow footer next links until you can proceed no further right (https://lostisland.github.io/faraday/usage/streaming)
  • notice no testing in usage :scream_cat:

Most helpful comment

Thank you for bringing this up. In response, I have posted a PR to include live test/unit and rspec examples of using the Faraday Test adapter: #1000. This is the recommended way to test Faraday, instead of external test double libraries (rspec, mocha, webmock, etc).

All 4 comments

Thank you for bringing this up. In response, I have posted a PR to include live test/unit and rspec examples of using the Faraday Test adapter: #1000. This is the recommended way to test Faraday, instead of external test double libraries (rspec, mocha, webmock, etc).

I noticed at no point is it testing things such as timeouts, connection errors, etc. Is the subject frowned upon, or just the way PR #998 uses.

I suppose I don't get the syntax

I suppose I don't get the syntax

Oof, maybe I should revisit the Faraday test docs again :/

The syntax in #1000 uses a Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs instance, an exclusive stub object to test faraday request/response cycles. You can use it to set up mock responses to http requests in a specific test.

  it 'parses name' do
    # this block yields a rack response: an array with:
    # response status, http header hash, and response body
    stubs.get('/ebi') do |env|
        { 'Content-Type': 'application/javascript' },
        '{"name": "shrimp"}'

    expect(client.sushi('ebi')).to eq('shrimp')

I apologize, I obviously didn't read your issues thoroughly enough. I totally missed that you specifically wanted to test exceptions. A test like this works too (which I will add to #1000):

  it 'handles exception' do
    stubs.get('/ebi') do
      raise Faraday::ConnectionFailed, nil

    expect { client.sushi('ebi') }.to raise_error(Faraday::ConnectionFailed)

I prefer specific test double implementations like this to the more generalized mocking approach, as they still go through the entire Faraday request workflow. If a developer wants to use RSpec mocks anyway, then they'll be better served with the excellent RSpec documentation.

Delivered with #1000

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