Fasd: Fresh install but not working

Created on 1 Dec 2017  ·  14Comments  ·  Source: clvv/fasd

I did install for ubuntu 14.04 using this command
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aacebedo/fasd
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install fasd

Then I tried to execute the example, but it shows no result
$ touch example.txt
$ fasd example

Did I install it wrongly? Or the command I execute is not correct?

Most helpful comment

Not sure if it's related. But I find that https://github.com/jimhester/per-directory-history conflicts with fasd. I have the same issue that fasd does not track any files or directories. After disabling the per-directory-history plugin fasd works fine.

All 14 comments

mine has the same problem, it just not working for some time.

Have you included the initialization code (eval "$(fasd --init auto)") in your shell's rc (e.g. your .bashrc or .zshrc) and run a new instance of your shell?

Yes I did, I could be able to relocate the output log yet tried the general init code eval "$(fasd --init auto)", after start another zsh session or restart iterm and typing fasd/ fasd -a/, it just shows nothing.

Here’s a snippet about what’s is the log:

(eval):2: command not found: fasd
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
fasd -U -V fasd -K _fasd_zsh_cmd_complete -x 'C[-1,-e] , s[-] n[1,e]' -c - 'c[-1,-A][-1,-D]' -f
fasd_cd -U -V fasd -K _fasd_zsh_cmd_complete -x 'C[-1,-
e] , s[-] n[1,e]' -c - 'c[-1,-A][-1,-D]' -f
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn

I even tried "/usr/local/bin/fasd -a" and nothing shows up, I just have no idea why it cannot find the command since my $PATH variable has /usr/local/bin.

On Dec 18, 2017, at 08:15, Euan Kemp <[email protected] notifications@github.com> wrote:

Have you included the initialization code (eval "$(fasd --init auto)") in your shell's rc (e.g. your .bashrc or .zshrc) and run a new instance of your shell?

You are receiving this because you commented.
Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/clvv/fasd/issues/117#issuecomment-352297827, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADKNgnXANOaoBoWsmKj82G3Cfuiln8yrks5tBa6jgaJpZM4QxsoO.

By the way, the only thing works is "fasd -h" which confirms at least zsh can find out where the command is, so I’ve no idea why the loca cannot find the command.

On Dec 18, 2017, at 09:18, Xiao-Meng Wang <[email protected] xiaomengwong@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes I did, I could be able to relocate the output log yet tried the general init code eval "$(fasd --init auto)", after start another zsh session or restart iterm and typing fasd/ fasd -a/, it just shows nothing.

Here’s a snippet about what’s is the log:

(eval):2: command not found: fasd
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
fasd -U -V fasd -K _fasd_zsh_cmd_complete -x 'C[-1,-e] , s[-] n[1,e]' -c - 'c[-1,-A][-1,-D]' -f
fasd_cd -U -V fasd -K _fasd_zsh_cmd_complete -x 'C[-1,-
e] , s[-] n[1,e]' -c - 'c[-1,-A][-1,-D]' -f
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn

I even tried "/usr/local/bin/fasd -a" and nothing shows up, I just have no idea why it cannot find the command since my $PATH variable has /usr/local/bin.

On Dec 18, 2017, at 08:15, Euan Kemp <[email protected] notifications@github.com> wrote:

Have you included the initialization code (eval "$(fasd --init auto)") in your shell's rc (e.g. your .bashrc or .zshrc) and run a new instance of your shell?

You are receiving this because you commented.
Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/clvv/fasd/issues/117#issuecomment-352297827, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADKNgnXANOaoBoWsmKj82G3Cfuiln8yrks5tBa6jgaJpZM4QxsoO.

The same problem, my env is Ubuntu subsystem on Windows 10

Please provide a minimal reproduction.

It may help to change the fasd init code to the following for debugging purposes:

set -x
eval "$(fasd --init auto)"
set +x

Or to include set -x before the command that errors out.

I'm unable to reproduce these issues. Here are the steps I can run in order to have a working fasd installation under bash (which, if you wish to check work on your system, can narrow down whether the issue lies in your bashrc configuration or elsewhere):

$ testhome=$(mktemp -d)
$ mkdir -p ${testhome}/bin
$ curl -sSL -o "${testhome}/bin/fasd" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clvv/fasd/master/fasd
$ chmod +x ${testhome}/bin/fasd

$ cat > "${testhome}/.bashrc" <<EOF
export PATH=$PATH:${testhome}/bin                                    
# Ensure history is not blank; fasd grabs commands to process from history
# (https://github.com/clvv/fasd/blob/90b531a5daaa545c74c7d98974b54cbdb92659fc/fasd#L127-L130)
# and, if history is empty, will error out
echo "echo hello world" >> ~/.bash_history
eval "\$(fasd --init auto)" 

$ env -i HOME=${testhome} bash
$ cd ~/bin
$ cd ~/bin
$ cd ~

$ z bin && pwd

$ touch example.txt
$ fasd example

Note: the above must be run under an interactive shell for fasd to work, not a bash script. With only minor modifications, (replacing 'bash' with 'zsh') the above should work for zsh too.

The above for me works as I'd expect (printing out /tmp/tmp.zKxt6nvlxj/bin and 6 /tmp/tmp.zKxt6nvlxj/bin/example.txt).

Please provide any of the following if you can:

  1. more details about what's breaking (e.g. the output of fasd example or fasd --init after applying set -x to the shell)
  2. Whether you can reproduce it in a minimal environment like the above.
  3. An actual minimal reproduction that isn't just "on my machine it doesn't work"

Hi Euan for the instruction, here’s some output that I’ve got.

first part, I’ve no idea what’s going on:
This is in zsh

~ ➤ set -x git:master*
eval "$(fasd --init auto)"
set +x

+zsh:2> fasd --init auto
+zsh:2> eval $'{ if [ "$ZSH_VERSION" ] && compctl; then # zsh\n eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install \n zsh-wcomp zsh-wcomp-install)"\n elif [ "$BASH_VERSION" ] && complete; then # bash\n eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias bash-hook bash-ccomp bash-ccomp-install)"\n else # posix shell\n eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias posix-hook)"\n fi\n} >> "/Users/Administrator/.config/fasd/fasd.log" 2>&1'
+(eval):1> [ 5.3 ']'
+(eval):1> compctl
+(eval):2> fasd --init posix-alias zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install zsh-wcomp zsh-wcomp-install
+(eval):2> eval $'alias a=\'fasd -a\'\nalias s=\'fasd -si\'\nalias sd=\'fasd -sid\'\nalias sf=\'fasd -sif\'\nalias d=\'fasd -d\'\nalias f=\'fasd -f\'\n# function to execute built-in cd\nfasd_cd() {\n if [ $# -le 1 ]; then\n fasd "$@"\n else\n local _fasd_ret="$(fasd -e \'printf %s\' "$@")"\n [ -z "$_fasd_ret" ] && return\n [ -d "$_fasd_ret" ] && cd "$_fasd_ret" || printf %s\n "$_fasd_ret"\n fi\n}\nalias z=\'fasd_cd -d\'\nalias zz=\'fasd_cd -d -i\'\n\n# add zsh hook\n_fasd_preexec() {\n { eval "fasd --proc $(fasd --sanitize $1)"; } >> "/Users/Administrator/.config/fasd/fasd.log" 2>&1\n}\nautoload -Uz add-zsh-hook\nadd-zsh-hook preexec _fasd_preexec\n\n# zsh command mode completion\n_fasd_zsh_cmd_complete() {\n local compl\n read -c compl\n (( $+compstate )) && compstate[insert]=menu # no expand if compsys loaded\n reply=(${(f)"$(fasd --complete "$compl")"})\n}\n\n# enbale command mode completion\ncompctl -U -K _fasd_zsh_cmd_complete -V fasd -x \'C[-1,-e],s[-]n[1,e]\' -c - \n \'c[-1,-A][-1,-D]\' -f -- fasd fasd_cd\n\n(( $+functions[compdef] )) && {\n # zsh word mode completion\n _fasd_zsh_word_complete() {\n [ "$2" ] && local _fasd_cur="$2"\n [ -z "$_fasd_cur" ] && local _fasd_cur="${words[CURRENT]}"\n local fnd="${_fasd_cur//,/ }"\n local typ=${1:-e}\n fasd --query $typ "$fnd" 2>> "/Users/Administrator/.config/fasd/fasd.log" | \n sort -nr | sed \'s/^[^ ][ ]//\' | while read -r line; do\n compadd -U -V fasd "$line"\n done\n compstate[insert]=menu # no expand\n }\n _fasd_zsh_word_complete_f() { _fasd_zsh_word_complete f ; }\n _fasd_zsh_word_complete_d() { _fasd_zsh_word_complete d ; }\n _fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger() {\n local _fasd_cur="${words[CURRENT]}"\n eval $(fasd --word-complete-trigger _fasd_zsh_word_complete $_fasd_cur)\n }\n # define zle widgets\n zle -C fasd-complete complete-word _generic\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete:\' completer _fasd_zsh_word_complete\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete:\' menu-select\n\n zle -C fasd-complete-f complete-word _generic\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-f:\' completer _fasd_zsh_word_complete_f\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-f:\' menu-select\n\n zle -C fasd-complete-d complete-word _generic\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-d:\' completer _fasd_zsh_word_complete_d\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-d:\' menu-select\n}\n\n(( $+functions[compdef] )) && {\n # enable word mode completion\n orig_comp="$(zstyle -L \':completion:*\' completer 2>> "/Users/Administrator/.config/fasd/fasd.log")"\n if [ "$orig_comp" ]; then\n case $orig_comp in\n *_fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger);;\n ) eval "$orig_comp _fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger";;\n esac\n else\n zstyle \':completion:\' completer _complete _fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger\n fi\n unset orig_comp\n}'
+(eval):1> alias 'a=fasd -a'
+(eval):2> alias 's=fasd -si'
+(eval):3> alias 'sd=fasd -sid'
+(eval):4> alias 'sf=fasd -sif'
+(eval):5> alias 'd=fasd -d'
+(eval):6> alias 'f=fasd -f'
+(eval):17> alias 'z=fasd_cd -d'
+(eval):18> alias 'zz=fasd_cd -d -i'
+(eval):24> autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
+(eval):25> add-zsh-hook preexec _fasd_preexec
+zsh:3> set +x

second part, I cannot write the example file so I changed to root and in this minimal env, fasd works. I did not create the .bashrc file yet.

bash-3.2$ sudo su
sh-3.2# testhome=$(mktemp -d)
sh-3.2# mkdir -p ${testhome}/bin
sh-3.2# cd ${testhome}/bin
sh-3.2# ls
sh-3.2# pwd
sh-3.2# curl -sSL -o "${testhome}/bin/fasd" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clvv/fasd/master/fasd;chmod https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clvv/fasd/master/fasd;chmod +x ${testhome}/bin/fasd;
sh-3.2# ls -al
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 96 Dec 28 16:51 .
drwx------ 3 root wheel 96 Dec 28 16:50 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 20195 Dec 28 16:51 fasd
bash-3.2# eval "$(./bin/fasd --init auto)"
bash-3.2# fasd
bash-3.2# ls
.viminfo bin example.txt
bash-3.2# echo "echo hello world" >> ~/.bash_history
bash-3.2# ls
.bash_history .viminfo bin example.txt
bash-3.2# export PATH=$PATH:${testhome}/bin
bash-3.2# ls
.bash_history .fasd .viminfo bin example.txt
bash-3.2# v .fasd
bash: v: command not found
bash-3.2# cat .fasd
bash-3.2# ./bin/fasd
12 /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/tmp.SFwFn0r6/.fasd
bash-3.2# ./bin/fasd example
bash-3.2# rm example.txt
bash-3.2# touch example.txt
bash-3.2# ./bin/fasd example
6 /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/tmp.SFwFn0r6/example.txt

On Dec 28, 2017, at 02:37, Euan Kemp <[email protected] notifications@github.com> wrote:

Please provide a minimal reproduction.

It may help to change the fasd init code to the following for debugging purposes:

set -x
eval "$(fasd --init auto)"
set +x
Or to include set -x before the command that errors out.

I'm unable to reproduce these issues. Here are the steps I can run in order to have a working fasd installation under bash (which, if you wish to check work on your system, can narrow down whether the issue lies in your bashrc configuration or elsewhere):

$ testhome=$(mktemp -d)
$ mkdir -p ${testhome}/bin
$ curl -sSL -o "${testhome}/bin/fasd" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clvv/fasd/master/fasd https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clvv/fasd/master/fasd
$ chmod +x ${testhome}/bin/fasd

$ cat > "${testhome}/.bashrc" < export PATH=$PATH:${testhome}/bin

Ensure history is not blank; fasd grabs commands to process from history

(https://github.com/clvv/fasd/blob/90b531a5daaa545c74c7d98974b54cbdb92659fc/fasd#L127-L130 https://github.com/clvv/fasd/blob/90b531a5daaa545c74c7d98974b54cbdb92659fc/fasd#L127-L130)

and, if history is empty, will error out

echo "echo hello world" >> ~/.bash_history
eval "$(fasd --init auto)"

$ env -i HOME=${testhome} bash
$ cd ~/bin
$ cd ~/bin
$ cd ~

$ z bin && pwd

$ touch example.txt
$ fasd example
Note: the above must be run under an interactive shell for fasd to work, not a bash script. With only minor modifications, the above should work for zsh too.

The above for me works as I'd expect (printing out /tmp/tmp.zKxt6nvlxj/bin and 6 /tmp/tmp.zKxt6nvlxj/bin/example.txt).

Please provide any of the following if you can:

more details about what's breaking (e.g. the output of fasd example or fasd --init after applying set -x to the shell)
Whether you can reproduce it in a minimal environment like the above.
An actual minimal reproduction that isn't just "on my machine it doesn't work"

You are receiving this because you commented.
Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/clvv/fasd/issues/117#issuecomment-354156542, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ADKNgl5x1H3BscF4Pa3-fIjkOr9WFjjWks5tEo53gaJpZM4QxsoO.

https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/143418/17495839/a5054eac-5d88-11e6-95fc-7290892c7bb5.png https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/143418/15842166/7c72db34-2c0b-11e6-9aed-b52498112777.png https://github.com/clvv/fasd https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clvv/fasd/master/fasd/r/n$ https://github.com/clvv/fasd/blob/90b531a5daaa545c74c7d98974b54cbdb92659fc/fasd#L127-L130 https://github.com/clvv/fasd/issues/117#issuecomment-354156542

My zsh init code is shown as follows:

if [ "$(command -v fasd)" -nt "$fasd_cache" -o ! -s "$fasd_cache" ]; then
fasd --init posix-alias posix-hook zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install >| "$fasd_cache"
source "$fasd_cache"
unset fasd_cache

Where the fasd-init-zsh is:

fasd ➤ cat fasd-init-zsh git:master*
alias a='fasd -a'
alias s='fasd -si'
alias sd='fasd -sid'
alias sf='fasd -sif'
alias d='fasd -d'
alias f='fasd -f'

function to execute built-in cd

fasd_cd() {
if [ $# -le 1 ]; then
fasd "$@"
local _fasd_ret="$(fasd -e 'printf %s' "$@")"
[ -z "$_fasd_ret" ] && return
[ -d "$_fasd_ret" ] && cd "$_fasd_ret" || printf %s\n "$_fasd_ret"
alias z='fasd_cd -d'
alias zz='fasd_cd -d -i'

_fasd_prompt_func() {
eval "fasd --proc $(fasd --sanitize $(history 1 | \
sed "s/^[ ][0-9][ ]*//"))" >> "/Users/Administrator/.config/fasd/fasd.log" 2>&1

add bash hook

_fasd_prompt_func) ;;
*) PROMPT_COMMAND="_fasd_prompt_func;$PROMPT_COMMAND";;

bash command mode completion

_fasd_bash_cmd_complete() {
# complete command after "-e"
[[ ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]} == -e ]] && \
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -A command $cur) ) && return
# complete using default readline complete after "-A" or "-D"
-A|-D) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -o default $cur) ) && return;;
# get completion results using expanded aliases
local RESULT=$( fasd --complete "$(alias -p $COMP_WORDS \
2>> "/Users/Administrator/.config/fasd/fasd.log" | sed -n "\$s/^.
}" | while read -r line; do
quote_readline "$line" 2>/dev/null || \
printf %q "$line" 2>/dev/null && \
printf \n
local IFS=$'\n'; COMPREPLY=( $RESULT )
_fasd_bash_hook_cmd_complete() {
for cmd in $*; do
complete -F _fasd_bash_cmd_complete $cmd

enable bash command mode completion

_fasd_bash_hook_cmd_complete fasd a s d f sd sf z zz

In the fasd.log, it mostly talks about:

(eval):2: command not found: fasd
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
(eval):2: command not found: fasd
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
(eval):2: command not found: fasd
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
(eval):2: command not found: fasd
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
COMMAND -c -tn
DEFAULT -f -tn
COMMAND -c -tn

But when I type fasd -h, it is working:

~ ➤ fasd -h git:master*
fasd [options] [query ...]
[f|a|s|d|z] [opions] [query ...]
-s list paths with scores
-l list paths without scores
-i interactive mode
-e set command to execute on the result file
-b only use backend
-B add additional backend
-a match files and directories
-d match directories only
-f match files only
-r match by rank only
-t match by recent access only
-R reverse listing order
-h show a brief help message
-[0-9] select the nth entry

fasd [-A|-D] [paths ...]
-A add paths
-D delete paths
~ ➤ git:master*

On Dec 28, 2017, at 17:15, Xiao-Meng Wang xiaomengwong@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Euan for the instruction, here’s some output that I’ve got.

first part, I’ve no idea what’s going on:
This is in zsh

~ ➤ set -x git:master*
eval "$(fasd --init auto)"
set +x

+zsh:2> fasd --init auto
+zsh:2> eval $'{ if [ "$ZSH_VERSION" ] && compctl; then # zsh\n eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install \n zsh-wcomp zsh-wcomp-install)"\n elif [ "$BASH_VERSION" ] && complete; then # bash\n eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias bash-hook bash-ccomp bash-ccomp-install)"\n else # posix shell\n eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias posix-hook)"\n fi\n} >> "/Users/Administrator/.config/fasd/fasd.log" 2>&1'
+(eval):1> [ 5.3 ']'
+(eval):1> compctl
+(eval):2> fasd --init posix-alias zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install zsh-wcomp zsh-wcomp-install
+(eval):2> eval $'alias a=\'fasd -a\'\nalias s=\'fasd -si\'\nalias sd=\'fasd -sid\'\nalias sf=\'fasd -sif\'\nalias d=\'fasd -d\'\nalias f=\'fasd -f\'\n# function to execute built-in cd\nfasd_cd() {\n if [ $# -le 1 ]; then\n fasd "$@"\n else\n local _fasd_ret="$(fasd -e \'printf %s\' "$@")"\n [ -z "$_fasd_ret" ] && return\n [ -d "$_fasd_ret" ] && cd "$_fasd_ret" || printf %s\n "$_fasd_ret"\n fi\n}\nalias z=\'fasd_cd -d\'\nalias zz=\'fasd_cd -d -i\'\n\n# add zsh hook\n_fasd_preexec() {\n { eval "fasd --proc $(fasd --sanitize $1)"; } >> "/Users/Administrator/.config/fasd/fasd.log" 2>&1\n}\nautoload -Uz add-zsh-hook\nadd-zsh-hook preexec _fasd_preexec\n\n# zsh command mode completion\n_fasd_zsh_cmd_complete() {\n local compl\n read -c compl\n (( $+compstate )) && compstate[insert]=menu # no expand if compsys loaded\n reply=(${(f)"$(fasd --complete "$compl")"})\n}\n\n# enbale command mode completion\ncompctl -U -K _fasd_zsh_cmd_complete -V fasd -x \'C[-1,-e],s[-]n[1,e]\' -c - \n \'c[-1,-A][-1,-D]\' -f -- fasd fasd_cd\n\n(( $+functions[compdef] )) && {\n # zsh word mode completion\n _fasd_zsh_word_complete() {\n [ "$2" ] && local _fasd_cur="$2"\n [ -z "$_fasd_cur" ] && local _fasd_cur="${words[CURRENT]}"\n local fnd="${_fasd_cur//,/ }"\n local typ=${1:-e}\n fasd --query $typ "$fnd" 2>> "/Users/Administrator/.config/fasd/fasd.log" | \n sort -nr | sed \'s/^[^ ][ ]//\' | while read -r line; do\n compadd -U -V fasd "$line"\n done\n compstate[insert]=menu # no expand\n }\n _fasd_zsh_word_complete_f() { _fasd_zsh_word_complete f ; }\n _fasd_zsh_word_complete_d() { _fasd_zsh_word_complete d ; }\n _fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger() {\n local _fasd_cur="${words[CURRENT]}"\n eval $(fasd --word-complete-trigger _fasd_zsh_word_complete $_fasd_cur)\n }\n # define zle widgets\n zle -C fasd-complete complete-word _generic\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete:\' completer _fasd_zsh_word_complete\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete:\' menu-select\n\n zle -C fasd-complete-f complete-word _generic\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-f:\' completer _fasd_zsh_word_complete_f\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-f:\' menu-select\n\n zle -C fasd-complete-d complete-word _generic\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-d:\' completer _fasd_zsh_word_complete_d\n zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-d:\' menu-select\n}\n\n(( $+functions[compdef] )) && {\n # enable word mode completion\n orig_comp="$(zstyle -L \':completion:*\' completer 2>> "/Users/Administrator/.config/fasd/fasd.log")"\n if [ "$orig_comp" ]; then\n case $orig_comp in\n *_fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger);;\n ) eval "$orig_comp _fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger";;\n esac\n else\n zstyle \':completion:\' completer _complete _fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger\n fi\n unset orig_comp\n}'
+(eval):1> alias 'a=fasd -a'
+(eval):2> alias 's=fasd -si'
+(eval):3> alias 'sd=fasd -sid'
+(eval):4> alias 'sf=fasd -sif'
+(eval):5> alias 'd=fasd -d'
+(eval):6> alias 'f=fasd -f'
+(eval):17> alias 'z=fasd_cd -d'
+(eval):18> alias 'zz=fasd_cd -d -i'
+(eval):24> autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
+(eval):25> add-zsh-hook preexec _fasd_preexec
+zsh:3> set +x

second part, I cannot write the example file so I changed to root and in this minimal env, fasd works. I did not create the .bashrc file yet.

bash-3.2$ sudo su
sh-3.2# testhome=$(mktemp -d)
sh-3.2# mkdir -p ${testhome}/bin
sh-3.2# cd ${testhome}/bin
sh-3.2# ls
sh-3.2# pwd
sh-3.2# curl -sSL -o "${testhome}/bin/fasd" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clvv/fasd/master/fasd;chmod https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clvv/fasd/master/fasd;chmod +x ${testhome}/bin/fasd;
sh-3.2# ls -al
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 96 Dec 28 16:51 .
drwx------ 3 root wheel 96 Dec 28 16:50 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 20195 Dec 28 16:51 fasd
bash-3.2# eval "$(./bin/fasd --init auto)"
bash-3.2# fasd
bash-3.2# ls
.viminfo bin example.txt
bash-3.2# echo "echo hello world" >> ~/.bash_history
bash-3.2# ls
.bash_history .viminfo bin example.txt
bash-3.2# export PATH=$PATH:${testhome}/bin
bash-3.2# ls
.bash_history .fasd .viminfo bin example.txt
bash-3.2# v .fasd
bash: v: command not found
bash-3.2# cat .fasd
bash-3.2# ./bin/fasd
12 /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/tmp.SFwFn0r6/.fasd
bash-3.2# ./bin/fasd example
bash-3.2# rm example.txt
bash-3.2# touch example.txt
bash-3.2# ./bin/fasd example
6 /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/tmp.SFwFn0r6/example.txt

On Dec 28, 2017, at 02:37, Euan Kemp notifications@github.com> wrote:

Please provide a minimal reproduction.

It may help to change the fasd init code to the following for debugging purposes:

set -x
eval "$(fasd --init auto)"
set +x
Or to include set -x before the command that errors out.

I'm unable to reproduce these issues. Here are the steps I can run in order to have a working fasd installation under bash (which, if you wish to check work on your system, can narrow down whether the issue lies in your bashrc configuration or elsewhere):

$ testhome=$(mktemp -d)
$ mkdir -p ${testhome}/bin
$ curl -sSL -o "${testhome}/bin/fasd" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clvv/fasd/master/fasd https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clvv/fasd/master/fasd
$ chmod +x ${testhome}/bin/fasd

$ cat > "${testhome}/.bashrc" < export PATH=$PATH:${testhome}/bin

Ensure history is not blank; fasd grabs commands to process from history

(https://github.com/clvv/fasd/blob/90b531a5daaa545c74c7d98974b54cbdb92659fc/fasd#L127-L130 https://github.com/clvv/fasd/blob/90b531a5daaa545c74c7d98974b54cbdb92659fc/fasd#L127-L130)

and, if history is empty, will error out

echo "echo hello world" >> ~/.bash_history
eval "\$(fasd --init auto)"

$ env -i HOME=${testhome} bash
$ cd ~/bin
$ cd ~/bin
$ cd ~

$ z bin && pwd

$ touch example.txt
$ fasd example
Note: the above must be run under an interactive shell for fasd to work, not a bash script. With only minor modifications, the above should work for zsh too.

The above for me works as I'd expect (printing out /tmp/tmp.zKxt6nvlxj/bin and 6 /tmp/tmp.zKxt6nvlxj/bin/example.txt).

Please provide any of the following if you can:

more details about what's breaking (e.g. the output of fasd example or fasd --init after applying set -x to the shell)
Whether you can reproduce it in a minimal environment like the above.
An actual minimal reproduction that isn't just "on my machine it doesn't work"

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Not sure if it's related. But I find that https://github.com/jimhester/per-directory-history conflicts with fasd. I have the same issue that fasd does not track any files or directories. After disabling the per-directory-history plugin fasd works fine.

Also got this on subsystem for windows (might be the issue here), with both bash and zsh.
even tried disabling all other things in the rc files, but the fasd lists are always empty.

I also tried using both fasd from the repo as well as installing it with a package manager, results didn't change.

set -x
eval "$(fasd --init auto)"
set +x
+-zsh:2> fasd --init auto
+-zsh:2> eval $'{ if [ "$ZSH_VERSION" ] && compctl; then # zsh\n    eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install \\\n      zsh-wcomp zsh-wcomp-install)"\n  elif [ "$BASH_VERSION" ] && complete; then # bash\n    eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias bash-hook bash-ccomp bash-ccomp-install)"\n  else # posix shell\n    eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias posix-hook)"\n  fi\n} >> "/dev/null" 2>&1'
+(eval):1> [ 5.5.1 ']'
+(eval):1> compctl
+(eval):2> fasd --init posix-alias zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install zsh-wcomp zsh-wcomp-install
+(eval):2> eval $'alias a=\'fasd -a\'\nalias s=\'fasd -si\'\nalias sd=\'fasd -sid\'\nalias sf=\'fasd -sif\'\nalias d=\'fasd -d\'\nalias f=\'fasd -f\'\n# function to execute built-in cd\nfasd_cd() {\n  if [ $# -le 1 ]; then\n    fasd "$@"\n  else\n    local _fasd_ret="$(fasd -e \'printf %s\' "$@")"\n    [ -z "$_fasd_ret" ] && return\n    [ -d "$_fasd_ret" ] && cd "$_fasd_ret" || printf %s\\n "$_fasd_ret"\n  fi\n}\nalias z=\'fasd_cd -d\'\nalias zz=\'fasd_cd -d -i\'\n\n# add zsh hook\n_fasd_preexec() {\n  { eval "fasd --proc $(fasd --sanitize $1)"; } >> "/dev/null" 2>&1\n}\nautoload -Uz add-zsh-hook\nadd-zsh-hook preexec _fasd_preexec\n\n# zsh command mode completion\n_fasd_zsh_cmd_complete() {\n  local compl\n  read -c compl\n  (( $+compstate )) && compstate[insert]=menu # no expand if compsys loaded\n  reply=(${(f)"$(fasd --complete "$compl")"})\n}\n\n# enbale command mode completion\ncompctl -U -K _fasd_zsh_cmd_complete -V fasd -x \'C[-1,-*e],s[-]n[1,e]\' -c - \\\n  \'c[-1,-A][-1,-D]\' -f -- fasd fasd_cd\n\n(( $+functions[compdef] )) && {\n  # zsh word mode completion\n  _fasd_zsh_word_complete() {\n    [ "$2" ] && local _fasd_cur="$2"\n    [ -z "$_fasd_cur" ] && local _fasd_cur="${words[CURRENT]}"\n    local fnd="${_fasd_cur//,/ }"\n    local typ=${1:-e}\n    fasd --query $typ "$fnd" 2>> "/dev/null" | \\\n      sort -nr | sed \'s/^[^ ]*[ ]*//\' | while read -r line; do\n        compadd -U -V fasd "$line"\n      done\n    compstate[insert]=menu # no expand\n  }\n  _fasd_zsh_word_complete_f() { _fasd_zsh_word_complete f ; }\n  _fasd_zsh_word_complete_d() { _fasd_zsh_word_complete d ; }\n  _fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger() {\n    local _fasd_cur="${words[CURRENT]}"\n    eval $(fasd --word-complete-trigger _fasd_zsh_word_complete $_fasd_cur)\n  }\n  # define zle widgets\n  zle -C fasd-complete complete-word _generic\n  zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete:*\' completer _fasd_zsh_word_complete\n  zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete:*\' menu-select\n\n  zle -C fasd-complete-f complete-word _generic\n  zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-f:*\' completer _fasd_zsh_word_complete_f\n  zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-f:*\' menu-select\n\n  zle -C fasd-complete-d complete-word _generic\n  zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-d:*\' completer _fasd_zsh_word_complete_d\n  zstyle \':completion:fasd-complete-d:*\' menu-select\n}\n\n(( $+functions[compdef] )) && {\n  # enable word mode completion\n  orig_comp="$(zstyle -L \':completion:\\*\' completer 2>> "/dev/null")"\n  if [ "$orig_comp" ]; then\n    case $orig_comp in\n      *_fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger*);;\n      *) eval "$orig_comp _fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger";;\n    esac\n  else\n    zstyle \':completion:*\' completer _complete _fasd_zsh_word_complete_trigger\n  fi\n  unset orig_comp\n}'
+(eval):1> alias 'a=fasd -a'
+(eval):2> alias 's=fasd -si'
+(eval):3> alias 'sd=fasd -sid'
+(eval):4> alias 'sf=fasd -sif'
+(eval):5> alias 'd=fasd -d'
+(eval):6> alias 'f=fasd -f'
+(eval):17> alias 'z=fasd_cd -d'
+(eval):18> alias 'zz=fasd_cd -d -i'
+(eval):24> autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
+(eval):25> add-zsh-hook preexec _fasd_preexec
+-zsh:3> set +x

Not sure if the ranking is supposed to be in ~/.fasd, but the file seems to be always empty.

For me it helped to fix it to run it as root, extracting the part fasd --init posix-alias bash-hook bash-ccomp bash-ccomp-install from
fasd --init auto command and surround it with eval, eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias bash-hook bash-ccomp bash-ccomp-install)" and applying into root's /root/.bashrc , maybe extracting the init command was not necessary and all enough was running it as a root, but didn't have more time to confirm that but I think I remember it didn't work for me just like so only by a mean of root - I had to extract bash part of init command too I think .

For future readers, I had a similar issue because the rights of my ~/.fasd folder was 600 (rw for root only). Removing this folder and sourcing my ~/.zshrc solved the issue.

For future readers, I had a similar issue because the rights of my ~/.fasd folder was 600 (rw for root only). Removing this folder and sourcing my ~/.zshrc solved the issue.

This was the issue for me too

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