H2o: Bug in H2O.next.call(env)

Created on 20 Jan 2020  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: h2o/h2o

I refile this issue as a "bug" report, because now I tested it also under Fedora with the latest sources.

For demonstration of this bug, you can use this h2o.conf:

user: www
access-log: /var/log/h2o/h2o-access.log
error-log: /var/log/h2o/h2o-error.log
listen: 8080
        mruby.handler: |
          proc {|env|
            resp = H2O.next.call(env)
        proxy.reverse.url: "https://www.google.com" # this URL is just for testing/demonstration
        file.dir: "/usr/local/www/data/testh2o/dir1"
        file.dir: "/usr/local/www/data/testh2o/dir2"
        file.dir: "/usr/local/www/data/testh2o"

This works: I can access files under dir1, dir2 and dir3. And when I request http://<my-ip-address-here>:8080/dir0 I get the Google homepage (just for demo).

But adding even one more /path segment breaks H20.next.call(env) as described here for HardenedBSD, FreeBSD.

Broken h2o.conf:

user: www
access-log: /var/log/h2o/h2o-access.log
error-log: /var/log/h2o/h2o-error.log
listen: 8080
        mruby.handler: |
          proc {|env|
            resp = H2O.next.call(env)
            # In my production conf I have here code to look for a certain header field.
            # If it finds it, this handler makes a http_request() to a certain URL on another server 
            # in order to trigger emptying a cache. 
            # This bug demo is independent of this code.
        proxy.reverse.url: "https://www.google.com" # this URL is just for testing/demonstration
        file.dir: "/usr/local/www/data/testh2o/dir1"
        file.dir: "/usr/local/www/data/testh2o/dir2"
        file.dir: "/usr/local/www/data/testh2o/dir3"
        file.dir: "/usr/local/www/data/testh2o"

I now get an Internal Server Error. And the error log on Fedora says:

[h2o_mruby] in request:/dir0:mruby raised: (eval):28: can't modify `SCRIPT_NAME` with `H2O.next`. Is `H2O.reprocess` what you want? (RuntimeError)

This is on a fresh Fedora 31, with H2O built from source at b9989220bea9bda30f69083b66166c4c657bdf84.

All 7 comments

As the error message suggested using H2O.reprocess I now tried this option. Same outcome: Adding more path-segments crashes h2o.

      port: 80
        file.dir: "/usr/local/www/data/testh2o/dir0"
        file.dir: "/usr/local/www/data/testh2o/dir1"
        mruby.handler: |
          proc {|env|
            env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/proxy-wp-admin'
            resp = H2O.reprocess.call(env)
        proxy.reverse.url: "https://www.google.com"

With this configuration opening http://test.local/wp-admin in the browser gives me the Google homepage.

But adding one more path segment, e.g. an additional /dir2 gives me the following error:

Feb  4 17:12:11 web2 h2o[34490]: received fatal signal 11
Feb  4 17:12:11 web2 h2o[34490]: [34493] 0x4cf6a0 <???> at /usr/local/bin/h2o
Feb  4 17:12:11 web2 h2o[34490]: [34493] 0x8018c5946 <pthread_sigmask+0x536> at /lib/libthr.so.3
Feb  4 17:12:11 web2 h2o[34490]: [34493] 0x8018c4eb2 <pthread_getspecific+0xe12> at /lib/libthr.so.3

Is there really such a low limit on the number of allowed path segments??? This must be a bug. Possibly the same as the one for H2O.next.

Since both, H2O.next and H20.reprocess seem broken, I had to explore another solution. I implemented a reverse proxy handler in mruby, following @kazuho 's example.

On my test server this works. I will likely deploy it in production, soon. Maybe it helps someone else running into the same problems with above mentioned methods:

proc {|env|
    # copy headers
    headers = {}
    env.each do |key, value|
      if /^HTTP_/.match(key)
        headers[$'] = value
    if env['CONTENT_TYPE']
        headers['CONTENT_TYPE'] = env['CONTENT_TYPE']

    # issue the request
    input = env["rack.input"] ? env["rack.input"] : ""
    if env['QUERY_STRING'].to_s != ''
        uri = env['SCRIPT_NAME'] + env['PATH_INFO'] + '?' + env['QUERY_STRING']
        uri = env['SCRIPT_NAME'] + env['PATH_INFO']
    req = http_request(
      method:  env["REQUEST_METHOD"],
      headers: headers,
      body: input,

    # Extract status, headers and body, so that I can look into the headers
    status, headers, body = req.join

    # actual work done here, if a certain header is present
    [status, headers, body]

Not quite working, yet:
H2O or mruby turns the original CONTENT_TYPE header into HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE, which breaks a WordPress backend...

"CONTENT_TYPE"=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
"HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"

Is there a way to force it to use just CONTENT_TYPE?

And all this, just because I wanted to add another /path in my h2o.conf...

@utrenkner Sorry for being late. I hope https://github.com/h2o/h2o/pull/2254 will fix the issue. With that PR H2O.next and H2O.reprocess works well I think

H2O or mruby turns the original CONTENT_TYPE header into HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE, which breaks a WordPress backend...

I tried the same mruby handler but couldn't reproduce it. I mean, I spawned minimal upstream server (echo -ne "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n" | nc -l 9000) and see the headers sent from h2o. It included CONTENT_TYPE, not HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE.
BTW if you take this http_request approach, you have to convert underscores in header hash keys to hyphens: that is, you have to convert HTTP_X_FOO to X-FOO, not X_FOO. I guess this is the cause of that issue: your server implementation doesn't recognize it as content-type header, which have to be treated specially in most cases.

@i110 Great many thanks! I will try out your patch, tomorrow.

And also thank you for testing the above mruby handler. Indeed, I completely forgot about changing the underscore into a hyphen. With that change, it does work as intended and CONTENT_TYPE stays CONTENT_TYPE!

@i110 Thank you so much! #2254 solves my problems with both H2O.next and H2O.reprocess. I added even more /path segments to h2o.conf, just to check that it really works. And, yes, it does!

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