Knex: Cannot create multiple PKs (mixin .increments with .primary)

Created on 18 Jul 2014  ·  31Comments  ·  Source: knex/knex

I want to create a table basing on following MySQL dump:

CREATE TABLE `my_table` (
  `cmdId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `deviceId` char(16) NOT NULL,
  `fnNumber` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `chNumber` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `cmd` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `cmdDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `delivered` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`cmdId`,`deviceId`),
  KEY `deviceId` (`deviceId`),
  CONSTRAINT `tblcommands_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`deviceId`) REFERENCES `second_table` (`deviceId`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION

My knex looks like:

knex.schema.createTable('my_table', function(t) {
    t.primary(['cmdId', 'deviceId']);
    t.string('deviceId', 16).notNullable().references('second_table.deviceId');
    t.string('cmd96', 50);

However there is a problem with primary keys. I get following error:

Error: Multiple primary key defined

I assume that increments method already creates PK and primary method creates another one which causes an error.

Is it possible to achieve this format of table ?


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Or you can create de autoincrement column with


(only for Postgresql)

But I think is much better table.increments() will create the PK only if i manually specify that with table.increments().primary()

All 31 comments

No, but it probably should be. I'll look into something for this.

According to the

ColumnCompiler_MySQL.prototype.increments = 'int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key';

So, .increments() creates PK. Isn't it too strong behaviour ? I think, it will be better if it will create AUTO_INCREMENT column without PK, so:

int unsigned not null auto_increment

And to create PK, we have to call .primary():


It will allow to create many PKs with AUTO_INCREMENT column.

As a workaroud I use right now:

table.primary(['cmdId', 'deviceId']);
table.string('deviceId', 16).notNullable().references('second_table.deviceId');

And in then callback:


I have a similar issue -- I want to use .increments() without it being a primary key. In my case it is for performance reasons. I want to create the table with no indexes (which means no primary key), insert many rows into it, and then add an index on the autoincrement column. This is more performant, and in fact is recommended by the Postgres documentation (see, but currently seems impossible to do with knex.

I also seem to run into similar issue. I am not able to create a table that has:

knex.schema.createTable("numeric_table", function (table) {

   // Both increments & bigIncrements tries to create primary key.

Same issue here .increments() tries to define a primary key, even if I manually specify one

You can use a raw query to add an increments columns without its primary key:

exports.up = function (knex) {
  return Promise.all([
    knex.raw('alter table "my_table" add column "my_seq" bigserial'),

exports.down = (knex) => {
  return Promise.all([
    knex.schema.table('my_table', (t) => {

Or you can create de autoincrement column with


(only for Postgresql)

But I think is much better table.increments() will create the PK only if i manually specify that with table.increments().primary()

Why not leave
increments: 'serial'
instead of
increments: 'serial primary key'

Whats the problem with that?

I still get the same error.
IMHO .increments shouldn't create PK.

Any news on this issue?

Agreed -- while it is certainly possible to work around this issue in various ways, it is rather bizarre that the API doesn't have first-class support for creating an auto-increment column without making it a primary key.

With that said, I imagine this hasn't been fixed yet though because to correct this in the most sensical way would be a breaking change, and so it would have to be part of a major version bump.

The thing is if we use .primary() on a columns when creating a table, the result would be a separate query for creating the table, and another alter table query to define the primary keys.
I think in MySQL (or perhaps other DBMSs too), you can not have a auto_incremement field without being PK.
So, knex creates the table with the primary key, and then it can not just alter it to define two primary keys since the table already has one.
If we could fix this, maybe .increments still create PK but allows other columns to be PK as well all in one create table query, so we probably wouldn't need a major version bump.

Or we can add another column type for this and leave .increments as is to not to break backward compatibility.

@amir-s: well that explains why knex behaves as it does -- it is apparently attempting to have behavior that is equivalent across the different supported DBMSs. I don't particularly like that, but at least it doesn't seem bizarre now.

The problem with your suggestion is that by definition you can't have multiple primary keys on a table. (You can have 1 composite PK on multiple columns, but that is very different from having 2 single-column PKs.)

So if .increments creates a PK, then it is impossible to allow other columns to also be marked as PK. It would be possible to create an option that can be passed to .increments to disable the primary key behavior on Postgres and any other DBMS that supports such behavior. Perhaps that's the best solution, as it doesn't break backward compatibility and it also doesn't break cross-DBMS compatibility. I still don't like that as well as changing the default behavior on Postgres so that .increments doesn't also make it a PK, but it would be a more easily accepted PR.

If anyone wants to submit a PR along those lines, I'd argue in its favor. :-)

@zacronos Sorry, by "multiple PKs" I meant "one PK on multiple columns".

In agreement with all the comments above. This behavior was unexpected when trying to create a composite primary key as well as a non-key auto-incrementing column. It would be great to see this implemented.

I'm running into this issue as well, but in the case of using Postgres and using serial fields as foreign keys - the knex implementation of a Postgres serial field is increments() and this make them primary keys by default. I want to be able to build sqlite3 as well as postgres, so using a raw knex query would confine me to either or. Any workaround suggestions?

This thread hasn't gotten much attention in a while. I'd like to reiterate what I think is an ideal, backward-compatible solution (which can thus be part of any minor release): add a new option to .increments(), maybe primaryKey: false, which (for DBMSs where this is possible) disables the primary key part of its functionality.

This is entirely backward compatible since .increments() retains its default behavior.

@zacronos Took a quick look through the code. Looks trivial. Gonna throw together a PR

Same issue here. Have to use raw query to avoid bigIncrements() to attempt to create another primary key.


table.primary(['id', 'other']);

If I understand the previous investigation on this topic correctly then pressumably knex forces a primary key strictly because some DBs (ie MySQL) cannot create serials without it being a primary key? If such is the case, I wouldn't worry too much about backwards compatibility when it comes to Postgres.

A MySQL user would then expect it to be a primary.
A Postgres user would not. _(Which is evident above)_

For this reason I think it's pretty safe to made an adjustment in Postgres to _not_ force primary key, and add it to the changelog. Not as a patch, but for next major version.

For this reason I think it's pretty safe to made an adjustment in Postgres to not force primary key, and add it to the changelog. Not as a patch, but for next major version.

I know tens of people who has always written their migrations just by writing only table.bigincrements('id') without .primary() also for postgresql, because it has been always working like that.

I though there was an extra option, which should be used to tell that the primary key should not be created, but looks like it is not there. At least I didn't find anything for postgres / mysql implementations about skipping primary key creation.

This would be major backwards compatibility breaking change on migrations that I would hate to see this happening. If we want to keep up patching this old migration API we first need to add versioning support for it to prevent all the people from fixing their old migrations on every knex version (those changes in migration code is really hard to verify working exactly the same with automatic tests so it is very vulnerable part in knex's users' code).

Any solution?

Any news on this?

This thread hasn't gotten much attention in a while. I'd like to reiterate what I think is an ideal, backward-compatible solution (which can thus be part of any minor release): add a new option to .increments(), maybe primaryKey: false, which (for DBMSs where this is possible) disables the primary key part of its functionality.

This is entirely backward compatible since .increments() retains its default behavior.

Can we use increments like this? any update?

How is that going ? it's really a pain, especially in MSSQL, PK constrain is not named by default but like "PK__requests__DD771E3CC0CD0A5E" so I can't even drop it and create PK somehwere else.
I've trued to specify name for constrain but it does not work for increments()

Still nothing on that ?

Would very much like the optional parameter in .increments as well! Raw queries could obviously work, but it is annoying for those who run multiple different DB's (e.g. mariadb for production, sqlite for testing). Any updates on this? There seems to be a PR already made, but it kinda went silent there?

I again second that, I already needed that 3 time in single project.

Same issue here, having an extra parameter to disable PK seams reasonable.

Similar to #2896 you can use for MySQL:

t.primary(["cmdId", "deviceId"]);
t.specificType("cmdId", "int(10) unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT").notNullable();
t.string("deviceId", 16).notNullable().references("second_table.deviceId");
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