Libelektra: MSR fails with crypto tutorial with ini as default storage

Created on 12 May 2018  ·  25Comments  ·  Source: ElektraInitiative/libelektra

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

Apply the patch:

diff --git a/doc/tutorials/ b/doc/tutorials/
index 3881eb8dc..37f09d275 100644
--- a/doc/tutorials/
+++ b/doc/tutorials/
@@ -35,6 +35,14 @@ If you have no GPG private key available, you can generate one by entering the f

 The `fcrypt` plugin and the `crypto` plugin support both versions (version 1 and version 2) of GPG.

+In order to set up our tutorial we import the Elektra test key.
+We **DO NOT RECOMMEND** to use our key on your local machine, as it is available to the public!
+gpg2 --import src/plugins/crypto/test_key.asc || gpg --import src/plugins/crypto/test_key.asc
+echo "trust-model always" > ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
 ## Introduction

 In this tutorial we explain the use of the `crypto` plugin and the `fcrypt` plugin by a simple example:
diff --git a/tests/shell/shell_recorder/tutorial_wrapper/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/shell/shell_recorder/tutorial_wrapper/CMakeLists.txt
index 60e8241fe..d991a9b25 100644
--- a/tests/shell/shell_recorder/tutorial_wrapper/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/shell/shell_recorder/tutorial_wrapper/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -12,5 +12,7 @@ add_msr_test (kdb-ls "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/help/")

 add_msr_test (tutorial_validation "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/tutorials/" REQUIRED_PLUGINS validation)

+add_msr_test (tutorial_crypto "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/tutorials/" REQUIRED_PLUGINS crypto_gcrypt fcrypt)
 # Only works with super user privileges, since it writes to `/etc/hosts`:
 # add_msr_test (tutorial_mount "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/tutorials/")

Build Elektra with

cmake ..
        -DKDB_DB_FILE='default.ini' \
    -DKDB_DB_INIT='elektra.ini' \

Run the test:

ctest --output-on-failure -V -R testshell_markdown_tutorial_crypto

Expected Result

Test should succeed.

Actual Result

Every execution step in the test fails, including the import of the GPG key.

System Information

  • Elektra Version: master
  • local, Docker Container. build server: elektra-ini-mergerequest

Further Log Files and Output


low priority work in progress

Most helpful comment

This is a good question! Afaik it does not but you can simply use KDB to store anything. So you would write something like (untested):

kdb set /tests/gpg/key/id `gpg2 --batch --with-colons --fixed-list-mode --list-secret-keys | grep sec | awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[5]}'`
kdb get /tests/gpg/key/id
kdb set /sw/elektra/kdb/#0/current/plugins ""
sudo kdb mount test.ini user/test fcrypt "encrypt/key=`kdb get /tests/gpg/key/id`" ini
kdb set user/test/password 1234
#> Create a new key user/test/password with string "1234"
kdb file user/test/password | xargs cat

We should definitely add this information to tests/shell/shell_recorder/tutorial_wrapper/

Btw. the kdb set /sw/elektra is quite dangerous, it might lead to data loss of the person executing the test. Tests should only write to /tests or, if the change is absolutely needed, restore what was in the KDB before.

All 25 comments

@ingwinlu pointed out:

hmm the msr test for crypto should probably set HOME to a tmpdir so no overwrite of config can happen on dev machines

Yes, but we could generally apply the trick with HOME to all shell tests, I proposed in #1982

But even if HOME is a safe place, we nevertheless should not have commands like echo "trust-model always" > ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf in tutorials. It is a bad practice and users might destroy their local config.

It is a bad practice and users might destroy their local config.

I agree. Nevertheless we need to instruct the build server to accept an untrusted GPG key somehow. Another way of doing so would be to enable "test mode" for the plugins.

In order to enable "test mode", /gpg/unit_test must be provided with a value of 1 in the backend/plugin configuration. This should be easy to acomplish on the build server, if I am not mistaking. Right?

except that this should not be done in the build server but in the test and reverted after the test is finished.

//EDIT: since I don't want to sound like I am just passing work around because I do not want to do it: Imagine developer A at home wants to run the test. He does not care about the test server setting. A will get pissed because the test broke his setting.

It's possibly easiert to generate a new GPG key for every test run instead of using the generic test key. Maybe we can get rid of the test key after all.

I agree. Nevertheless we need to instruct the build server to accept an untrusted GPG key somehow.

Isn't it possible to make the key "trustworthy" after import? (Without changing users's policies.)

It's possibly easiert to generate a new GPG key for every test run instead of using the generic test key.

Yes, that is maybe the best idea. Is it possible to make a very small GPG key so that it is done fast?

Is it possible to make a very small GPG key so that it is done fast?

Sure, that's possible.

Any progress here?

Not yet, I was just trying out

gpg2 --batch --passphrase '' --quick-generate-key elektra rsa512

to have some key for testing. MSR still fails but the key generation seems to work.

I can't promise to have progress during the week.

Is the shell recorder able to handle shell variables?

If I run the snippet

export KEY_ID=`gpg2 --batch --with-colons --fixed-list-mode --list-secret-keys | grep sec | awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[5]}'`
echo "$KEY_ID"
kdb set /sw/elektra/kdb/#0/current/plugins ""
sudo kdb mount test.ini user/test fcrypt "encrypt/key=$KEY_ID" ini
kdb set user/test/password 1234
#> Create a new key user/test/password with string "1234"
kdb file user/test/password | xargs cat

I get the result:

194: export KEY_ID=`gpg2 --batch --with-colons --fixed-list-mode --list-secret-keys | grep sec | awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[5]}'`
194: echo "$KEY_ID"
194: kdb set /sw/elektra/kdb/#0/current/plugins ""
194: kdb mount test.ini user/test fcrypt "encrypt/key=$KEY_ID" ini
194: ERROR - RET:
194: Return value “7” does not match “0”

This is a good question! Afaik it does not but you can simply use KDB to store anything. So you would write something like (untested):

kdb set /tests/gpg/key/id `gpg2 --batch --with-colons --fixed-list-mode --list-secret-keys | grep sec | awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[5]}'`
kdb get /tests/gpg/key/id
kdb set /sw/elektra/kdb/#0/current/plugins ""
sudo kdb mount test.ini user/test fcrypt "encrypt/key=`kdb get /tests/gpg/key/id`" ini
kdb set user/test/password 1234
#> Create a new key user/test/password with string "1234"
kdb file user/test/password | xargs cat

We should definitely add this information to tests/shell/shell_recorder/tutorial_wrapper/

Btw. the kdb set /sw/elektra is quite dangerous, it might lead to data loss of the person executing the test. Tests should only write to /tests or, if the change is absolutely needed, restore what was in the KDB before.

Btw. the kdb set /sw/elektra is quite dangerous, it might lead to data loss of the person executing the test. Tests should only write to /tests or, if the change is absolutely needed, restore what was in the KDB before.

This work-around is documented in the of fcrypt. fcrypt usually conflicts with sync.

Yes, I know that sometimes writing outside of /tests is needed. (also for mounting)

But we should make sure in tests to not change the config of the user running the test.

Maybe the backup-restore feature would fix the problem?

Before we fix that I have another problem: PGP keys that are created via

gpg2 --batch --passphrase '' --quick-generate-key elektra rsa512

are not usable by GPG. What the hug?

root@5fd7ea8f213b:/libelektra/build# gpg2 --batch --passphrase '' --quick-generate-key elektra rsa512
gpg: directory '/root/.gnupg' created
gpg: keybox '/root/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: /root/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 3433691ADB9D50A9 marked as ultimately trusted
gpg: directory '/root/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d' created
gpg: revocation certificate stored as '/root/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d/4E3E00108709D96A28026AD63433691ADB9D50A9.rev'
root@5fd7ea8f213b:/libelektra/build# gpg2 --list-secret-keys
gpg: checking the trustdb
gpg: marginals needed: 3  completes needed: 1  trust model: pgp
gpg: depth: 0  valid:   1  signed:   0  trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
gpg: next trustdb check due at 2021-03-02
sec   rsa1024 2019-03-03 [SC] [expires: 2021-03-02]
uid           [ultimate] elektra

root@5fd7ea8f213b:/libelektra/build# gpg2 -o test.gpg -r 4E3E00108709D96A28026AD63433691ADB9D50A9 -e 
gpg: 4E3E00108709D96A28026AD63433691ADB9D50A9: skipped: Unusable public key
gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: Unusable public key
root@5fd7ea8f213b:/libelektra/build# gpg2 -o test.gpg -r elektra -e 
gpg: elektra: skipped: Unusable public key
gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: Unusable public key

Does anyone have any idea about how to get a proper PGP key in the test scenario?

You are our gpg expert, I am afraid nobody can help you here! Maybe you ask on a gpg mailing list?

UPDATE: I found a way to generate a "scripted" key that is usable, however a passphrase has to be set, otherwise the pinentry will come up asking for a passphrase.

cat >.elektra-test-key <<EOF
    Key-Type: RSA
    Key-Length: 512
    Subkey-Type: RSA
    Subkey-Length: 512
    Name-Real: libelektra test key
    Name-Comment: crypto plugin
    Name-Email: [email protected]
    Expire-Date: 0
    Passphrase: 1234
gpg2 --verbose --batch --gen-key .elektra-test-key

GnuPG is not meant to be "test-automated". :laughing:

EDIT: add missing "be" in the last sentence.

Thank you for digging deeper here! You mean that no passphrase should be set? I think we can live with that :+1:

You mean that no passphrase should be set?

Having no passphrase on the test-key would make life easier on the server-side. I don't know if MSR can handle pinentry requests during the tests?

Having no passphrase on the test-key would make life easier on the server-side.

Yes, makes sense.

Can you fix this issue now?

Can you fix this issue now?

Not quite, I thought about providing a small setup tool, that generates a new GPG test-key using libgpgme. I have to investigate further.

Ok, thank you!

Status update: I have some progress to report. fcrypt is testable and running with MSR. crypto still causes troubles. I'm still at it.

I thought about providing a small setup tool, that generates a new GPG test-key using libgpgme.

This is the solution I'm currently following. It doesn't look too bad:

sudo kdb mount test.ini user/test crypto_gcrypt "crypto/key=$(elektra-gpg-testkey)" base64 ini

2591 is blocking the progress atm.

I'm almost there... BUT

MSR fails because in order to be able to mount fcrypt, I have to manipulate the configuration outside of /tests:

kdb set dir/sw/elektra/kdb/#0/current/plugins ""
kdb mount test.ini user/tests fcrypt "encrypt/key=$(elektra-gpg-testkey)" ini
kdb set user/tests/password 1234
kdb file user/tests/password | xargs cat
kdb rm user/tests/password
kdb rm dir/sw/elektra/kdb/#0/current/plugins
kdb umount user/tests

If we leave out the first line, fcrypt can not be mounted due to the know issues with sync (see fcrypt's README):

STDERR: The command kdb mount terminated unsuccessfully with the info:
Too many plugins!
The plugin sync can't be positioned at position precommit anymore.
Try to reduce the number of plugins!

Failed because precommit with 7 is larger than 6

I see the following possibilities to solve the problem:

  1. We could fix the error that occurs during the mount of fcrypt and thus moving from permanent quick fix to sustainable solution.
  2. We provide a separate namespace for tests where we can also modify the general configuration from within a test case without destroying the entire system (which might be nice for other scenarios as well!)
  3. We only test crypto with MSR and leave out fcrypt

But maybe someone else has an idea. Your help is much appreciated!

Actually there is a bug besides the limitation of how many plugins can exist (we are already working on this one). The bug is that kdb mount even tries to add the sync plugin because fcrypt already provides sync, so adding the sync plugin is not necessary. I tried to fix it in #2631.

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