Mavros: Geographiclib target directory not found

Created on 5 Nov 2017  ·  8Comments  ·  Source: mavlink/mavros

Hi, I'm new to pixhawk and mavros.
I am now a graduate student trying to fly 3DR Solo indoor.
I'm trying to receive position from VICON and send it to Solo via MavRos msg.
I followed the instruction to install mavros, but I got an error as below.

Issue details

when I ran or geographiclib-datasets-download egm96_5
I get
Geographiclib target directory /usr/share/geographiclib not found

During the process, I did few things.

  1. I once downloaded from binary source and apt removed it
  2. Although my ROS version is Indigo, I added --rosdistro kinetic when I ran rosinstall_generator as commented in this issue
    How should I install the geographic data?

MAVROS version and platform

Mavros: ???
ROS: Indigo
Ubuntu: 14.04

Autopilot type and version

I'm using 3DR Solo with the initial setup. So I guess it's PX4 based (am I right?) with APM on it.
[X] ArduPilot
[ ] PX4

Version: ??


Most helpful comment

sudo apt-get install libgeographic-dev
sudo apt-get install geographiclib-tools

And then run the script again.

All 8 comments

sudo apt-get install libgeographic-dev
sudo apt-get install geographiclib-tools

And then run the script again.

A note:

I'm using 3DR Solo with the initial setup. So I guess it's PX4 based (am I right?) with APM on it.

3DR Solo flight controller is Pixhawk 2.1 (Cube). PX4 and APM are fligh stacks that may run on it.

sudo apt-get install libgeographic-dev
sudo apt-get install geographiclib-tools

Thank you for your help!
I tried it and successfully installed geographiclib-tools,
but it says it cannot find libgeographic-dev.

3DR Solo flight controller is Pixhawk 2.1 (Cube). PX4 and APM are fligh stacks that may run on it.

I am assuming that Hardware is Pixhawk 2.1 and the software is PX4 or APM.
However, for software, I have read that to upload a firmware,
I need to git clone

and eventually make all of these.

Sorry. Saw now you are with 14.04. Then issue sudo apt-get install libgeographiclib-dev.

Thank you TSC21.
sudo apt-get install libgeographiclib-dev did work.
However, it still cannot install geographic datasets.

watanabe@ytnpc2016a-W230SD:~/catkin_ws$ sudo ./src/mavros/mavros/scripts/
[sudo] password for watanabe: 
+ [[ != 0 ]]
./src/mavros/mavros/scripts/ 7: ./src/mavros/mavros/scripts/ [[: not found
+ which /usr/sbin/geographiclib-get-geoids
+ which geographiclib-datasets-download
+ geographiclib-datasets-download egm96_5
Geographiclib target directory /usr/share/geographiclib not found

do you have any idea?
sorry for asking too many quesitons

I can't really tell. Considering you already install GeographicLib and the tools for downloading the datasets, it should work with geographiclib-datasets-download egm96_5. I can't test it myself as I'm using Ubuntu 16.04, but the above scripts should have installed the required libs and files. What's the output of locate geographiclib or locate GeographicLib?

A bit off: Solo uses Pixhawk 2, not 2.1 (that is made by hex, cube+carrier). And as i know, 3DR cube a bit different from cube made by hex, but mostly compatible.
By default Solo use APM firmware (also special version, but i think that vanilla should work too).

Try just create that directory sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/geographiclib, also check where is located.

I tried sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/geographiclib and ./src/mavros/mavros/scripts/
It did start to download the geographiclib datasets.

Then I followed the further instructions written in and tried to roslaunch.
It said it could not find anything in /usr/share/geographiclib/GeographicLib/,
so I sudo mkdir GeographicLib and mv geoids/ GeographicLib/, and it worked.

By the way,
I could successfully connect to 3DR Solo with
roslaunch mavros apm.launch fcu_url:=udp://:[email protected]
for those who want to develop with 3DR Solo!

Thank you so much for your help @TSC21 and @vooon

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