Meilisearch-laravel-scout: [question] how to search in related models as well ?

Created on 25 May 2020  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: meilisearch/meilisearch-laravel-scout

first many thanx for this tool, its a breeze in compare to others.

i was wondering if there is a way to search in related models as well ? i know its already an issue with scout but maybe meili could have a custom search where we can also search in other indexes and merge the results.


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Hello @ctf0!

MeiliSearch cannot search in multiple indexes for the moment. But be sure we are thinking about adding this feature 😉 I'll keep you in touch!

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This package is just an extension of what scout does and doesn't.

I don't know if scout has a true limitation or if it can be done, do you have a link to the scout issue so I can have more information ?

its an old limitation of scout which hasnt been addressed yet, u can check google

but i was hopping that meili would have the option to search in multiple indexes as atm i cant find anything related to this in the docs

Hello @ctf0!

MeiliSearch cannot search in multiple indexes for the moment. But be sure we are thinking about adding this feature 😉 I'll keep you in touch!

Ok I let this issue open as an enhancement, we will see what we can do in few months

Thank you guys !

Would love to see this implemented since its free/open-souce and runs locally. For now I'll give the Algolia aggregator a try

Closing this issue. If you want to be informed about MeiliSearch features here are some links:

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