Nunit: Support generic type parameters for TestCaseSourceAttribute

Created on 15 Nov 2017  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: nunit/nunit

I am working on some test cases that may be better designed using generics. I am trying to use TestCaseSource with many different combinations of types.

The problem that I am encountering is the use of reflection in my tests to invoke a generic test method that I use for object validation.

public class SomeTests
    public static IEnumerable<TestCaseData> TestCases()
        yield return
            new TestCaseData(
        yield return
            new TestCaseData(

    public void CheckSomeTypes(
        Type sourceType,
        Type destinationType,
        TSource source,
        Action<object, object> assert)
            .GetMethod(nameof(CheckSomeTypesImpl), BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
            .MakeGenericType(new[] { sourceType, destinationType })
            .Invoke(this, new object[] { source, assert });

    public void CheckSomeTypesImpl<TSource, TDestination>(
        TSource source,
        Action<TSource, TDestination> assert)
        var destination = Mapper.Map<TSource, TDestination>(source);

        // Assert are equiviliant
        assert(source, destination);

However, I believe the following design may add value in this instance:

public class SomeTests
    public static IEnumerable<TestCaseData> TestCases()
        yield return
            new TestCaseData(
        yield return
            new TestCaseData(

    public void CheckSomeTypes<TSource, TDestination>(
        TSource source,
        Action<TSource, TDestination> assert)
        var destination = Mapper.Map<TSource, TDestination>(source);

        // Assert are equiviliant
        assert(source, destination);

public class Foo
    public string Qux { get; set; }

public class Bar
    public string Qux { get; set; }

public static class Generator
    public static Foo Foo =>
        new Foo { Qux = "TestTestTest" };
    public static Bar Bar =>
        new Foo { Bar = "AnotherAnotherAnother" };

public static class Mapper
    // Generic mapper function
    public static TDestination Map<TSource, TDestination>(TSource source)
        if (typeof(TSource) == typeof(Foo))
            return Map((Foo) source);

        if (typeof(TSource) == typeof(Bar))
            return Map((Bar) source);

        throw new NotImplementedException($"No mapping for {typeof(TSource).FullName}.");

    public static Foo Map(Bar bar)
        return new Foo { Qux = bar.Qux };

    public static Bar Map(Foo foo)
        return new Bar { Qux = foo.Qux };

public static class Assertions
    public static Action<Foo, Bar> Foo =>
        (foo, bar) => Assert.AreEqual(foo.Qux, bar.Qux);
    public static Action<Bar, Foo> Bar =>
        (bar, foo) => Assert.AreEqual(bar.Qux, foo.Qux);

I have made extensions to TestCaseSourceAttribute locally to support this.

Is this something open for a contribution? I want to clarify the design first before I create a PR.

design enhancement

Most helpful comment

That could work too. @nunit/framework-team, anyone else find this topic interesting?

All 4 comments

Is this something open for a contribution? I want to clarify the design first before I create a PR.

Thank you very much for starting the conversation and offering the help. We want to clarify the design before you create a PR, too. =D It will likely end up open for a contribution soon!

Same ask but for TestCaseAttribute, not TestCaseSourceAttribute:
Inference only:

I'm already having to write suboptimal code today, so I absolutely want this.

In the TestCaseData constructor, do you think there's a way to more visually differentiate Type values that fill generic method parameters from Type values that fill ordinary method parameters?

For discoverability: what about new TestCaseData<T1, T2>(ordinaryArg1, ordinaryArg2)?

Or this, which would allow us to avoid declaring N new TestCaseData classes:
TestCaseData.Create<T1, T2>(ordinaryArg1, ordinaryArg2, ordinaryArg3)

What about using a method like TestCaseData.GenericsArgs(params Type[] generics) similar to Returns method.

That could work too. @nunit/framework-team, anyone else find this topic interesting?

This issue is marked as an idea/design/discussion but hasn't had contributions in years so I am closing. If anyone is interested in working on this idea, post your interest and the team will consider reopening.

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