Okuna-api: Testing app in local network

Created on 28 Jun 2019  ·  2Comments  ·  Source: OkunaOrg/okuna-api

I want to test openbook-app in a local network. Currently, openbook-api is running on a VM and is listening to port I also compiled openbook-app and it's is running on an Android device. How I am able to login? Guide me please

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Go to your api folder and run the following:
pipenv shell
python manage.py create_invite

Copy the invite token that the server replies with.

Now go to the app, click "Create account" and paste https://[SERVER_IP]:8000/api/auth/invite?token=[YOUR_TOKEN_HERE] when it asks for an invite link. Replace [SERVER_IP] with the IP of the server, either a local IP (starts with 192.168.) or your public IP, and [YOUR_TOKEN_HERE] with the token you got from create_invite above.

In the future, it is better if you ask questions in the #contributors channel in the Openspace Slack.

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Go to your api folder and run the following:
pipenv shell
python manage.py create_invite

Copy the invite token that the server replies with.

Now go to the app, click "Create account" and paste https://[SERVER_IP]:8000/api/auth/invite?token=[YOUR_TOKEN_HERE] when it asks for an invite link. Replace [SERVER_IP] with the IP of the server, either a local IP (starts with 192.168.) or your public IP, and [YOUR_TOKEN_HERE] with the token you got from create_invite above.

In the future, it is better if you ask questions in the #contributors channel in the Openspace Slack.

Thank you @Komposten !

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