React-dnd: Module not found: Can't resolve './Constants' in 'D:\desktop\ant_design_pro\onefox\src\components\Drag'

Created on 2 Jun 2018  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: react-dnd/react-dnd

Describe the bug
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Module not found: Can't resolve './Constants' in 'D:\desktop\ant_design_pro\onefox\src\components\Drag'
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { DragSource } from 'react-dnd';
import { ItemTypes } from './Constants';

Where is the Constants? How can I import the ItemTypes ?
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Browser chrome

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Most helpful comment

In react-dnd, every drag source has a type. And what the types are depend on what you're dragging in your program. So in my app I have types "task" and "project", but you might have "contact" and "organization". If you don't want to type out these strings all the time (since you might misspell theme), you can store them all in a file:

// Constants.js
export default {
  CONTACT: "contact",
  ORGANIZATION: "organization",

then in your e.g. Drag/Contact.js you would use:

import ItemTypes from "./Constants";

class Contact extends Component {

Contact = DragSource(ItemTypes.CONTACT, ...)(Contact);
export { Contact };

It looks like your problem is that you didn't create a Constants.js file or it isn't in the Drag directory on your PC!

All 3 comments

@yaoyuande seems like this issue is not related to react-dnd.

In react-dnd, every drag source has a type. And what the types are depend on what you're dragging in your program. So in my app I have types "task" and "project", but you might have "contact" and "organization". If you don't want to type out these strings all the time (since you might misspell theme), you can store them all in a file:

// Constants.js
export default {
  CONTACT: "contact",
  ORGANIZATION: "organization",

then in your e.g. Drag/Contact.js you would use:

import ItemTypes from "./Constants";

class Contact extends Component {

Contact = DragSource(ItemTypes.CONTACT, ...)(Contact);
export { Contact };

It looks like your problem is that you didn't create a Constants.js file or it isn't in the Drag directory on your PC!

@amazingmarvin Thank you very much!

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