Request: Vulnerability in hoek package

Created on 27 Apr 2018  ·  29Comments  ·  Source: request/request

There is a vulnerability in the hoek package which is required by hawk that request depends on.

Request depends on hawk version ~6.0.2. Updating to hawk version 7.0.0 would fix the problem.


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yes, hi :wave: hoek maintainer here. version 4.2.1 has been patched. github's alerts are currently wrong. i've submitted a request to correct the version range in the CVE and also harassed some kind folks at github to take care of things on their end. _hopefully_ they'll stop reporting that version as vulnerable soon.

All 29 comments

I tried just bumping to hawk v7.0.7 earlier today but the test broke. I had to jump off to do something else but I only got as far as this faster way to run the test:

npx taper tests/test-hawk.js

as far as i understand it, the issue is with a cve,, regarding hoek < v5.0.3; request v2.85.1 requires hawk ~6.0.2, which requires hoek 4.x.x. request requires hawk ~6.0.2 to maintain compatibility with node 4.

thus, it appears that the cve is incorrectly considering hoek v4.2.1 as vulnerable and may be why so many github repos are now reporting a vulnerability. i sent an email to about the issue.

To confirm the findings of dan-nl, both links from securityfocus and hackerone in the CVE state that it has been fixed

Not Vulnerable:
| Hoek Hoek 4.2.1
| Hoek Hoek 5.0.3

vdeturckheim posted a comment. Feb 15th (2 months ago)
Fix has been backported to 4.x track of the module and published as 4.2.1. (see )

and it's confirmed by @nlf in

It has been fixed.
To further discuss, (…)

@warpdesign you said

Request depends on hawk version ~6.0.2. Updating to hawk version 7.0.0 would fix the problem

But how do I do that if I don't have hawk directly as a dependency?

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which npm command? npm update request didn't do the job. Nor npm update hoek

You can't. You have to wait until Request publishes a new version that uses Hawk 7. That's the problem.

Can confirm, I've had 6 repos flagged by github for having the hoek vulnerability because of the request library.

@jfoclpf I guess it should be possible to temporary fix the problem by publishing forks with an updated version. But you don't want to go this road. Better wait for an official resolution (which shouldn't be long to come this the vce state just needs to be updated for hoek v4.2.1).

According to what I have been told from other packages, it's a false positive from github. There is no vulnerability in that version of hoek. Nonetheless it's annoying and thus let's wait for an official update of request.

The Node.js 4.x release line is going end of life April 30th, compatibility with it should not be a concern after then.

yes, hi :wave: hoek maintainer here. version 4.2.1 has been patched. github's alerts are currently wrong. i've submitted a request to correct the version range in the CVE and also harassed some kind folks at github to take care of things on their end. _hopefully_ they'll stop reporting that version as vulnerable soon.
version 4.2.1 has been patched
I submitted a request to update the CVE, hopefully that’ll happen soon and GitHub can get their db updated. Until that happens this is all out of my hands. I’m leaving this open in the hopes other people will find it.



hawk > v7.0.0 drops support for node 4 and 6

hawk >= v7.0.0 includes hoek 5.x.x

hoek v5.x.x drops support for node 4 and 6

How is this issue going now plz?

@diamont1001 it's already fixed

@Bjornskjald are u sure?

[email protected]/1 -> [email protected] -> [email protected]

@diamont1001 hoek 4.2.1 has the bugfix backported


@diamont1001 because if you weren't lazy enough to read the whole discussion, you would see it's a bug with GitHub and hoek maintainer already contacted them...

@nlf Thanks for updating this thread earlier! Any response from Github yet? I'm considering pinging them as well...

status update?

status update?

@phillmv from @GitHub staff has posted an explanation at

[...] We fixed the versions we alert on back on Monday, and I personally deleted all the bad alerts earlier today. [...]

Hi, I have read all the discussion but I am still having the issue.
I have run npm audit and reported me about 11 vulnerability to hoek package.
I have update it to 7.0.7 but nothing changed. I have also updated the hawk package as suggested above but still nothing changed.
Can you help me please?

@NadGu plz check your package-lock.json file first.

@diamont1001 done right now. The version of hoek is 4.2.1. What can I do to update it?

[email protected] is ok.
I think that u just have to wait for github to refresh the data, at least I did it at the time, and it worked.

@diamont1001 So let's wait! At least I did all that I could. Thank you!

@nadgu Hi!

Are you saying you have a repository on GitHub where we're still flagging a version of 4.2.1 as being vulnerable? That shouldn't be happening!

Please email [email protected] with the repository link and mention @phillmv and we'll take it from there :).

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