Rollup-plugin-typescript2: Does not work with plugin which containing async/await syntax

Created on 14 Aug 2018  ·  15Comments  ·  Source: ezolenko/rollup-plugin-typescript2

What happens and why it is wrong

This plugin does not work with plugin which containing async/await syntax caused by object-hash issue and tscache.ts. I think this is hard to fix object-hash because there is no way to detect asyncfunction now. So is there any alternative without object-hash?



  • typescript: 2.8.3
  • rollup: 2.1.1
  • rollup-plugin-typescript2: 0.14.0


import svgr from '@svgr/rollup';
import typescript from 'rollup-plugin-typescript2';

export default {
  plugins: [
    replace({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(process.env.NODE_ENV) }),
      useTsconfigDeclarationDir: true,


No relevant.


No relevant.

plugin output with verbosity 3

[!] (rpt2 plugin) Error: Unknown object type "asyncfunction"
Error: Unknown object type "asyncfunction"
    at Object._object (/Users/vwxyutarooo/Projects/kouzoh/mercari-web-jp-component/node_modules/rollup-plugin-typescript2/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:218:17)
    at Object._function (/Users/vwxyutarooo/Projects/kouzoh/mercari-web-jp-component/node_modules/rollup-plugin-typescript2/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:319:14)
    at Object.dispatch (/Users/vwxyutarooo/Projects/kouzoh/mercari-web-jp-component/node_modules/rollup-plugin-typescript2/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:185:30)
    at /Users/vwxyutarooo/Projects/kouzoh/mercari-web-jp-component/node_modules/rollup-plugin-typescript2/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:246:18
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Object._object (/Users/vwxyutarooo/Projects/kouzoh/mercari-web-jp-component/node_modules/rollup-plugin-typescript2/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:242:21)
    at Object.dispatch (/Users/vwxyutarooo/Projects/kouzoh/mercari-web-jp-component/node_modules/rollup-plugin-typescript2/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:185:30)
    at /Users/vwxyutarooo/Projects/kouzoh/mercari-web-jp-component/node_modules/rollup-plugin-typescript2/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:260:23
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Object._array (/Users/vwxyutarooo/Projects/kouzoh/mercari-web-jp-component/node_modules/rollup-plugin-typescript2/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:259:20)

Most helpful comment

I must admit I'm surprised this haven't been more of an issue so far since async functions are extremely common by now 😀. Which is also why I think that simply ignoring it will lead to a great deal of cache issues. The PR I submitted to object-hash some time ago was a consequence of this very issue, and I would suggest that you remove the dependency on object-hash. I'm pretty confident that the PR submitted some time ago would work just fine since it matches on the same value as provided in the error message and passed both unit tests and solved the issues in this plugin, so feel free to depend on the PR rather than the NPM package here.

@vwxyutarooo, an immediate workaround is to set clean: true in the config to bypass the cache completely. Alternatively (sorry for the plug) I built which will also work just fine

All 15 comments

I added a workaround to ignore anything object-hash can't process (see objecthash branch, objectHashIgnoreUnknownHack option). This can potentially make cache stale though, so not a good long term solution.


I must admit I'm surprised this haven't been more of an issue so far since async functions are extremely common by now 😀. Which is also why I think that simply ignoring it will lead to a great deal of cache issues. The PR I submitted to object-hash some time ago was a consequence of this very issue, and I would suggest that you remove the dependency on object-hash. I'm pretty confident that the PR submitted some time ago would work just fine since it matches on the same value as provided in the error message and passed both unit tests and solved the issues in this plugin, so feel free to depend on the PR rather than the NPM package here.

@vwxyutarooo, an immediate workaround is to set clean: true in the config to bypass the cache completely. Alternatively (sorry for the plug) I built which will also work just fine

@wessberg Yeah, I guess not many rollup plugins have async in their interface yet.

Do you know a better way of hashing objects? I need to create a cache key based partly on rollup configuration object (and therefore containing source of all the plugins used) that is passed in on startup.

btw, to clarify -- the problem applies to async stuff in rollup config itself. Async in the code being transpiled is not a problem, because code is hashed based on source text.

Hmm, well, you could apply sha1 to the result of JSON.stringify'ing the entire config with a custom replacer that maps plugins to their name property which I'm pretty sure is required.
For example, the following rollup config:

  // ...
  treeshake: true,
  plugins: [
  // ...

Could be converted into the following JSON representation:

  "treeshake": true,
  "plugins": [

And then you could apply sha1 and get a base64 string out or something like that which you could use as cache key?

I was thinking along those lines, but wouldn't that remove even more things from consideration for cache? I suspect object-hash was made specifically because JSON.stringify throws away anything that is not a plain value property, array or a dictionary -- there is nothing else in json spec.

I suppose I could incorporate a hash of package-lock,json and yarn equivalent, if there was a reliable way of finding them. (to mitigate effect of objectHashIgnoreUnknownHack option)

Thanks guys discussing about this issue. Actually clean: true option dose not bypass the cache process so it's not working even a while. However, ignoreUnknown might possibly the way to fix this issue as @ezolenko say. I'll waiting 0.16.2 anyway!

@vwxyutarooo, I was under the assumption that clean: true uses a noop cache strategy. That's what I remember that @ezolenko implemented some time ago. If it still attempts to compute a cache key from the rollup config, that behavior needs looking into in my opinion

I don't know how this affected to object-hash result, However the objectHashIgnoreUnknownHack option on objecthash branch is works for me.

I reworked cache a bit so clean: true will not even invoke object-hash and merged everything into master. I'll release in a few days

In 0.17.0 now

For another workaround not using the objectHashIgnoreUnknownHack hack, I ran into this problem using rollup-plugin-require-context, and the following snippet seems to work:

import requireContextORIGINAL from 'rollup-plugin-require-context'

const requireContext = (options) => {
  const plugin = requireContextORIGINAL(options)
  return {
    transform(code, id) {
      return plugin.transform(code, id)

Namely, making transform a normal function returning a promise.

Thought I'd add an update for folks here that the root cause here was finally fixed in (very similar to referenced above) and here in #203. No need to use objectHashIgnoreUnknownHack to support async plugins and no more cache issues -- was just released as v0.26.0 🎉 😄

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