Stock-logistics-warehouse: Migration to version 12.0

Created on 27 Sep 2018  ·  33Comments  ·  Source: OCA/stock-logistics-warehouse


Modules to migrate

  • [x] account_move_line_product - By @bjeficent - #512
  • [x] account_move_line_stock_info - By @bjeficent - #514
  • [x] packaging_uom - By @rousseldenis Moved to
  • [x] procurement_auto_create_group - By @mreficent - #638
  • [x] stock_account_change_qty_reason - By @hveficent - #607
  • [x] stock_account_internal_move - By @kittiu - #570
  • [x] stock_account_inventory_force_date - By @hveficent - #676
  • [x] stock_available - By @devang-dreambits - #540 - By @sergio-teruel - #632
  • [ ] stock_available_global - By @kittiu-ecosoft - #610
  • [x] stock_available_immediately - By @pedrobaeza - #872
  • [x] stock_available_mrp - By @florian-dacosta - #644
  • [x] stock_available_unreserved - By @ougc27 - #526
  • [x] stock_change_qty_reason - By @hveficent - #602
  • [x] stock_cycle_count - By @bodedra - #625
  • [x] stock_demand_estimate - By @mreficent - #563
  • [x] stock_inventory_chatter - By @lreficent - #553
  • [x] stock_inventory_cost_info - By @pedrobaeza - #795
  • [x] stock_inventory_discrepancy - By @bodedra - #622
  • [x] stock_inventory_exclude_sublocation - By @bodedra - #623
  • [x] stock_inventory_lockdown - By @osimallen - #629
  • [x] stock_inventory_preparation_filter - By @xavierpiernas - #601
  • [x] stock_inventory_revaluation - By @matt454357 - #894
  • [ ] stock_inventory_virtual_location - By @mreficent - #739
  • [x] stock_location_lockdown - By @clementmbr - #720
  • [x] stock_move_location - By @joansis - #743
  • [x] stock_mts_mto_rule - By @jaredkipe - #586
  • [x] stock_orderpoint_generator - By @chienandalu - #791
  • [x] stock_orderpoint_manual_procurement - By @kittiu - #557
  • [x] stock_orderpoint_manual_procurement_uom - By @kittiu - #558
  • [x] stock_orderpoint_move_link - By @kittiu - #550
  • [x] stock_orderpoint_purchase_link - By @kittiu - #554
  • [ ] stock_orderpoint_route - By @guewen - #785
  • [x] stock_orderpoint_uom - By @kittiu - #568
  • [x] stock_picking_procure_method - By @kittiu - #569
  • [ ] stock_production_lot_expiry_state
  • [x] stock_putaway_method - By @max3903 - #820
  • [x] stock_putaway_product Feature included in core
  • [ ] stock_putaway_same_location
  • [x] stock_quant_manual_assign - By @lreficent - #651
  • [x] stock_removal_location_by_priority - By @mreficent - #635
  • [x] stock_request - By @murtuzasaleh - #556
  • [x] stock_request_analytic - By @lreficent - #649
  • [x] stock_request_kanban - By @kittiu - #634
  • [x] stock_request_purchase - By @kittiu - #631
  • [x] stock_request_tier_validation - By @lreficent - #608
  • [ ] stock_reserve - By @hzh0292 - #637
  • [ ] stock_reserve_sale - By @hzh0292 - #620
  • [x] stock_secondary_unit - By @kittiu - #571
  • [ ] stock_valuation_account_manual_adjustment
  • [x] stock_warehouse_calendar - By @mreficent - #564
  • [x] stock_warehouse_orderpoint_stock_info - By @Saran440 - #561
  • [x] stock_warehouse_orderpoint_stock_info_unreserved - By @Saran440 - #562
help wanted work in progress

All 33 comments

Can I request the migration of stock_available_immediately from 10 to 12?

@promotobillet Yes, of course. I write it in the main comment.

@pedrobaeza Upon further review it looks like stock_available_immediately may no longer be needed, as a setting in stock_available was added in v11 to be able to Exclude incoming goods & Include the production potential in the available to promise calculation. Also stock_available seems to be working in v12 except when enabling the "Exclude incoming goods" setting causes an error: "File "/odoo/custom/addons/stock_available_immediately/models/", line 17, in _product_available
res[prod_id]['immediately_usable_qty'] - \
KeyError: 'immediately_usable_qty'"

May I please request the migration of stock_mts_mto_rule to odoo 12.
Or is there any workaround for the module with the new routing structure in v12

@asoral the migration is done on a voluntary effort. If you want to fund the migration, contact with one of the contributors of the module to see if they want to do it.

Does anyone have plans to migrate stock_cycle_count, stock_inventory_discrepancy, and stock_inventory_verification_request for version 12.0? I noticed _stock_cycle_count_ was not included in the modules to migrate list for version 12.0 above.

I have some customers interested in the cycle count features for 12.0, but would just like to check if there are any planned migration we can contribute to, or if we should plan to migrate this one ourselves.

Hello all,

I'm migrating stock_available module to v12 with PR #540

Hello all,

I want to know is "stock_move_location" will planned to upgrade to v12 ?

@abdallamhafeez yes if someone migrates it. It's not in the list because it's auto-generated when the branch is created, and that module wasn't in previous branch when that happened.

stock_warehouse_orderpoint_stock_info merged already, but not checked yet

This module has already been merged on:
stock_orderpoint_uom - By @kittiu -

Migrating packaging_uom from 11 to 12

Please, check stock_change_qty_reason - By @hveficent - #602 that is already merged

stock_orderpoint_uom - By @kittiu - #559 is closed and superseed in #568 that is already merged

I request to migrate stock_available_global -

Why having 2 GitHub logins, @kittiu-ecosoft ?

Why having 2 GitHub logins, @kittiu-ecosoft ?

I want to do the same for old and new staff in our company. People will know who can contact in case they left. Also easier for me to remember.
Do you have any concern?

Well, I don't think it's the best approach if you have started here with another GitHub login. You confuse people, not knowing who to ping. As you have the ability to add multiple emails linked to your GitHub account, and also to change the main contact one, I think it's better to just provide a corporate email and do the commits with it. If the employee goes away from your company, he/she only needs to switch its GitHub account email. Some of them removes the old corporate email, but that's not a problem at all, as the commit remains with the old corporate e-mail, but not linked with any GitHub user. It would be a similar result than disabling the corporate GitHub account or having it orphaned without nobody attending it.

Any way, it's just my personal opinion. You can proceed as you prefer.

Thank you Pedro for your comment. I will surely think and discuss with our team.

Yes. Usually, got one github account and if changing company, just switch email on account and that's all.

I request to migrate stock_reserve and stock_reserve_sale. #636
And stock_reserve. #637

Can I migrate stock_putaway_method from 11 to 12

Does it make sense to migrate it now that putaway by product is present in core?

Does it make sense to migrate it now that putaway by product is present in core?

I agree with @pedrobaeza, but maybe some people implemented another method that override that module.

OK, then proceed with what you think it's better, @kittiu

OK, I will look into it first whether we should do it. Thank you!

@rousseldenis as I read the code stock_putaway_method, it seem to be the prerequisite for stock_putaway_product and stock_putaway_same_location. But as stock_putaway_product is now in the core, is it still useful to migrate?

Can you help decide? if doing the stock_putaway_method + stock_putaway_same_location still useful. I can continue. Otherwise, I can help on other thing :)

@rousseldenis what else you think it is good to do? stock_request_purchase ?

stock_cycle_count [Merged]

stock_inventory_discrepancy [Merged]

stock_inventory_verification_request [Merged]

@lukebranch @kittiu @ghost @emagdalenaC2i @hveficent @ageficent @aheficent may you help us here.

Hi All,

Is it possible to have stock_inventory_revaluation for version 12.0?

Well, this is a voluntary effort or driven by implementators' customers, so you can:

  • Migrate by yourself and propose a pull request here with the result.
  • Wait until another contributor does it.
  • Pay someone willing to do that migration.

@kittiu are you planning to migrate stock_putaway_method and related?

I am planning to migrate stock_inventory_revaluation to version 12.0. I expect to have a PR in the next couple of weeks.

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