Tocropviewcontroller: Screen is going all blue after clicking on done button in iOS 13

Created on 21 Nov 2019  ·  12Comments  ·  Source: TimOliver/TOCropViewController

After crop when I click on Done button then all screen is going blue

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I've found that if I change self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) to self.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil) (set animated to false) in the didCropToImage function in my app, then all works well, even with the popOver presentation style, so I'll go with that for now.

All 12 comments

I am experiencing the same issue with iOS 13. After tapping the Done button the screen just showings all black and doesn't return to the app. I have updated to the latest 2.5.2 version and this issue still persists. The app does not crash, just stuck on the black screen so I need to close the app. When I restart the app it shows the image correctly cropped, so it seems there is some issue returning to the calling app from the CropViewController after tapping Done.

This is because card view presentation in iOS 13. Fixed using below:

Thanks. I was using
cropViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .popOver

This works fine for iPad devices. But not for iPhone devices in iOS 13.
So I need to force modalPresentationStyle to fullScreen for phone device now.

I've found that if I change self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) to self.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil) (set animated to false) in the didCropToImage function in my app, then all works well, even with the popOver presentation style, so I'll go with that for now.

I have also experienced this issue, thanks for the workaround. Wondering when this is going to be fixed for iOS 13

+1 animating dismiss definitely looks much better! Would love to see this fixed for iOS 13

Hey folks! I’ve double-checked and the modal presentation style is explicitly set to full-screen in the library now.

Please try pulling from master and let me know if it’s actually fixed for you or not.

@TimOliver this is now fixed. thanks so much

Cool! Thanks for confirming that for me @shamikagasc! I'll close this issue off now.

One final thing. If you're enjoying this library and are using it in a shipping app, and need extra support for it, please consider sponsoring me on GitHub Sponsors. Thanks! :D

This is not fixed if you're presenting the crop controller from a modal controller.
Dismissing without animation still works though.

Or maybe the Pod's not up to date with master?

@TimOliver The issue is still not fixed, even with the latest pod.

Sorry folks. Please don't comment on a closed issue.

If the issue is still persisting on the latest release, please open a new issue, and please fill it with as much sample code/screenshots/information that I can use to reproduce it.


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