Zenodo: communities: support for multiple curators per community

Created on 20 Sep 2016  ·  20Comments  ·  Source: zenodo/zenodo

Enhancement Accepted Needs design

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Obviously, I would also prefer multiple curators. But even if only one user is allowed to curate, is there at least a way to transfer curatorship from one user to another? If someone is leaving the field or the group, or just gets tired of the responsibility, it would be nice to be able to transfer it without the curator just giving up his/her zenodo account to someone else.

All 20 comments

I would like to give a 👍 on this issue, hopefully it will be addressed in a future milestone.

As well important for us from EFSA.
For us the community is in reality "EFSA owned", not really "personell".
So it would be very usefull, if there could be multiple curators or goups per community.

We also would appreciate the ability to have multiple curators for a community.

Obviously, I would also prefer multiple curators. But even if only one user is allowed to curate, is there at least a way to transfer curatorship from one user to another? If someone is leaving the field or the group, or just gets tired of the responsibility, it would be nice to be able to transfer it without the curator just giving up his/her zenodo account to someone else.

is any update available on this? would be great to have multiple curators for a community

Is this topic still open? Would be really appreciated if multiple curators are supported!

Having more than one curator seems key to creating a community -- otherwise it seems kind of dictatorial. We want to be able to have more than one person in our organization curate our organizational data products, rather than having them tied to a specific individual.

Has this been addressed? Thank you!

Hi again dear Zenodo team,
Are there any updates about this request?
Is this being considered as a possibility? Not in a million years? :bowtie:
.... I'm just a hopeful user wondering about the same things others have described above.
Hearing any updates would be brilliant!
Thank you!

same here... thx :-)

Are there any updates on this? I think in a community it should be possible to curate as a community. Thank you!

Is there a way we can help in creating this functionality?

+1 - would be very useful for us, too.

This would be great

At the very least, the ability of changing the email address of the curator, would be great

This issue has a huge impact on usability. It's been on the wish list for years, if I remember correctly. From the community perspective, this is issue number one with Zenodo.

is there anyway that we as a community help with code, documentation or other tasks?

[Note: I'm not affiliated with either Zenodo or Invenio, this is just an outsider's guess!]

My guess is that this will not be realised for Zenodo any time soon, but will happen when Zenodo is switched over to InvenioRDM, some time in 2021. Looking at the code base for invenio-communities, the member API seems to define different roles and mechanisms to invite new members and assign roles: https://github.com/inveniosoftware/invenio-communities/blob/master/invenio_communities/members/models.py

@lnielsen maybe you can confirm?

I solved my problem by writing directly to Zenodo's support team. They can change the user account that manages a community, just need confirmation from the recipient that they accept. It's not the most streamlined solution, but it helps until this gets implemented.
Leaving it here, as it may help others.

@nuest Correct. Multiple curators support is being implemented as part of InvenioRDM and the core features are already implemented. We're planning to have it tidied up by April/May (see https://inveniosoftware.org/products/rdm/roadmap/). Zenodo migration to RDM is scheduled for autumn.

You can help out by joining the InvenioRDM project. This is where most of the coding is happening right now.

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