Zotero-better-bibtex: url field is having its special characters escaped in BBT Bibtex

Created on 3 Jan 2021  ·  8Comments  ·  Source: retorquere/zotero-better-bibtex

Exporter used: Better Bibtex

Expected behavior:

  title = {{O que \'e AUC e ROC nos modelos de Machine Learning}},
  author = {Avelar, Adriano},
  year = {2020},
  month = sep,
  url = {https://medium.com/@eam.avelar/o-que-%C3%A9-auc-e-roc-nos-modelos-de-machine-learning-2e2c4112033d},
  urldate = {2020-11-23},
  abstract = {Em aprendizagem de m\'aquina, a medi\c{c}\~ao de desempenho \'e uma tarefa crucial. As m\'etricas ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) e AUC (Area\ldots},
  language = {pt-BR}

Actual behavior:

  title = {{O que \'e AUC e ROC nos modelos de Machine Learning}},
  author = {Avelar, Adriano},
  year = {2020},
  month = sep,
  url = {https://medium.com/@eam.avelar/o-que-\%C3\%A9-auc-e-roc-nos-modelos-de-machine-learning-2e2c4112033d},
  urldate = {2020-11-23},
  abstract = {Em aprendizagem de m\'aquina, a medi\c{c}\~ao de desempenho \'e uma tarefa crucial. As m\'etricas ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) e AUC (Area\ldots},
  language = {pt-BR}

The error is in the url field. Although the url field is marked as a verbatim field, when exporting using BBT Bibtex, special characters are escaping (in the example "%" is being escaped).
The error only happens in BBT Bibtex, using BBT Biblatex or the standard Zotero Bibtex, everything is fine.

url = {https://medium.com/@eam.avelar/o-que-\%C3\%A9-auc-e-roc-nos-modelos-de-machine-learning-2e2c4112033d} with % being scaped.

Version of the systems where the error occurs:
Zotero version: 5.0.94
Zotero version: 5.0.95-beta.3 + 4db61b8dc
OS: macOS 11.1

BetterBibtex Debug Json file:

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  "items": [
      "abstractNote": "Em aprendizagem de máquina, a medição de desempenho é uma tarefa crucial. As métricas ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) e AUC (Area…",
      "accessDate": "2020-11-23",
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All 8 comments

It looks like you did not upload an debug report. The debug report is important; it gives @retorquere your current BBT settings and a copy of the problematic reference as a test case so he can best replicate your problem. Without it, @retorquere is effectively blind. Debug reports are useful for both bug analysis and enhancement requests; in the case of export enhancements, I need the copy of the references you have in mind.

If you did try to submit a debug report, but the ID looked like D<number>, that is a Zotero debug report, which I cannot access. Please re-submit a BBT debug log by one of the methods below.

This request is much more likely than not to apply to you, too, _even if you think it unlikely_, and even if it does not, there's no harm in sending a debug log that turns out to be unnecessary. @retorquere will more often than not just end up saying "please send a debug log first". Let's just skip over the unnecesary delay this entails. Sending a debug log is very easy:

  1. If your issue relates to how BBT behaves around a specific reference(s), such as citekey generation or export, select at least one of the problematic reference(s), right-click it, and submit an BBT debug report from that popup menu. If the problem is with export, please do include a sample of what you see exported, and what you expected to see exported for these references.

  2. If the issue does not relate to references and is of a more general nature, generate an debug report by restarting Zotero with debugging enabled (Help -> Debug Output Logging -> Restart with logging enabled), reproducing your problem, and selecting "Send Better BibTeX debug report..." from the help menu.

Once done, you will see a debug ID in red. Please post that debug id in the issue here.

Thank you!

When I compile this:


  title = {{O que \'e AUC e ROC nos modelos de Machine Learning}},
  author = {Avelar, Adriano},
  year = {2020},
  month = sep,
  url = {https://medium.com/@eam.avelar/o-que-\%C3\%A9-auc-e-roc-nos-modelos-de-machine-learning-2e2c4112033d},
  urldate = {2020-11-23},
  abstract = {Em aprendizagem de m\'aquina, a medi\c{c}\~ao de desempenho \'e uma tarefa crucial. As m\'etricas ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) e AUC (Area\ldots},
  language = {pt-BR}





I get the URL as expected.

When I compile this:


  title = {{O que \'e AUC e ROC nos modelos de Machine Learning}},
  author = {Avelar, Adriano},
  year = {2020},
  month = sep,
  url = {https://medium.com/@eam.avelar/o-que-%C3%A9-auc-e-roc-nos-modelos-de-machine-learning-2e2c4112033d},
  urldate = {2020-11-23},
  abstract = {Em aprendizagem de m\'aquina, a medi\c{c}\~ao de desempenho \'e uma tarefa crucial. As m\'etricas ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) e AUC (Area\ldots},
  language = {pt-BR}





I get an error, and no URL is output. So it looks like for bibtex, the escaping is necessary.

BTW, if you send a debug log via the steps described in point 1, I get sent the reference in debug log format automatically; my workflow is built around that. This worked though.

Sorry about the debug stuff. Lesson learned.
Thanks for the quick response. I thought it was a bug in Zotero considering that is a verbatim field. But it seems is not. Im using a flavored bibtex from my university and I'm getting an error with the url with escape chars. I'm suspecting they using some old macros to parse the bib file

Thanks a lot

No worries about the debug log -- I'm happy you sent one. You wouldn't believe how stubborn people can be about sending them. It's one of the primary reasons I built @label-gun, because it would be practically a given people would not send one no matter how I pleaded.

WRT the URL -- things are more complicated than I had thought. It is true that


  title = {{O que \'e AUC e ROC nos modelos de Machine Learning}},
  author = {Avelar, Adriano},
  year = {2020},
  month = sep,
  url = {https://medium.com/@eam.avelar/o-que-%C3%A9-auc-e-roc-nos-modelos-de-machine-learning-2e2c4112033d},
  urldate = {2020-11-23},
  abstract = {Em aprendizagem de m\'aquina, a medi\c{c}\~ao de desempenho \'e uma tarefa crucial. As m\'etricas ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) e AUC (Area\ldots},
  language = {pt-BR}





gives me an error, but

\usepackage{url} % <------------------- this right here
  title = {{O que \'e AUC e ROC nos modelos de Machine Learning}},
  author = {Avelar, Adriano},
  year = {2020},
  month = sep,
  url = {https://medium.com/@eam.avelar/o-que-%C3%A9-auc-e-roc-nos-modelos-de-machine-learning-2e2c4112033d},
  urldate = {2020-11-23},
  abstract = {Em aprendizagem de m\'aquina, a medi\c{c}\~ao de desempenho \'e uma tarefa crucial. As m\'etricas ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) e AUC (Area\ldots},
  language = {pt-BR}





compiles just fine. I'll have to think about how to deal with both situations.

:robot: this is your friendly neighborhood build bot announcing test build ("fixes #1716")

Install in Zotero by downloading test build, opening the Zotero "Tools" menu, selecting "Add-ons", open the gear menu in the top right, and select "Install Add-on From File...".

Problem solved. It's worked perfectly.
Thanks a lot. It's save me a lot of time

Cool, thanks for the confirmation. A new release is building.

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.

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