Django-debug-toolbar: Middleware compatibility with Django 1.10

Created on 20 Jul 2016  ·  13Comments  ·  Source: jazzband/django-debug-toolbar

Since Django 1.10 introduced new middleware style, existing middlewares should be updated. For now I can suggest possible workaround for impatient Django 1.10 users:

from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin
from debug_toolbar.middleware import DebugToolbarMiddleware

class AtopdedTo110DebugMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin, DebugToolbarMiddleware):

And then add it to your MIDDLEWARE settings:

MIDDLEWARE += ['my.middleware.AtopdedTo110DebugMiddleware']


Most helpful comment

any chance you can push a new release with this fix?

All 13 comments

I found this issue related:

./ runserver                                                                                                    ✓  1712  02:49:41 
/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/makeintegrity/lib/python3.5/site-packages/debug_toolbar/ Warning: Please use an explicit setup with the debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware after django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddlware in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.
  "in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.", Warning)
/home/salahaddin/Proyectos/makeintegrity/lib/python3.5/site-packages/debug_toolbar/ Warning: Please use an explicit setup with the debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware after django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddlware in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.
  "in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.", Warning)
Performing system checks...

I'd maked automatic install.

@SalahAdDin It is not really related. The fact that debug middleware should be placed after GZipMiddlware is I think in first page of docs in big Note section:

Automatic installation install all if i don't want install manually.

Oh, i understand you.

I can verify that this issue disable the debug toolbar button, i have to comment the gzip middle ware for enable these button again.

@valentjedi - thank you for the workaround!

Related: the documentation should also be updated:

any chance you can push a new release with this fix?

Hi, sorry if adding a comment on a closed ticket. the proposed solutions works for me only with python2.7. Whe in Python3.5 i get the following error:

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 662, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 222, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "/home/misc/src/hg/thunder/jmb2/sd/3p/marketest/web/", line 7, in <module>
    class AtopdedTo110DebugMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin, DebugToolbarMiddleware):
TypeError: Cannot create a consistent method resolution
order (MRO) for bases DebugToolbarMiddleware, MiddlewareMixin
sandro@bluff:/misc/src/hg/thunder/jmb2/sd/art/marketest$ e /home/misc/src/hg/thunder/jmb2/sd/3p/marketest/web/


This thing is in PyPI now as I understand so you just use regular DebugToolbarMiddleware and all will be fine

Is current PYPI package version the new version?

Yes AFAIK. Anyway, in my current setup (django 1.10.2 and debug-toolbar 1.6) I just remove this workaround and add 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware' to my MIDDLEWARE list. All works. And this fix already in code base.

Yes I pushed a release with the updated middleware this week.

I'm not seeing the update on pypi. Is only on github?

23:09:49 [aaron@ender:~/code/intranet] [intranet] develop(+10/-17)+* ± pip freeze | egrep Django|debug'
23:12:09 [aaron@ender:~/code/intranet] [intranet] develop(+10/-39)+* ± pip install --upgrade django-debug-toolbar
Requirement already up-to-date: django-debug-toolbar in /home/aaron/.virtualenvs/intranet/lib/python3.5/site-packages
Cleaning up...
23:12:25 [aaron@ender:~/code/intranet] [intranet] develop(+10/-39)+* ± 

Ignore my previous comment. I missed the Python 3.5 pull request.

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