Faraday: Please backport and release ruby 2.7 fixes

Created on 23 Nov 2019  ·  8Comments  ·  Source: lostisland/faraday

@tenderlove's PR #1009 was merged but only to master. Can we get it backported to the 0.1x branch and released? Ruby 2.7 is mere weeks away and this is biting our CI.

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I managed to get the CI running for Ruby 2.0+ 🎉
I'm going to merge that in and release 0.17.2

All 8 comments

Thanks for the heads-up, I'll take care of it today.

Alrighty, should be good to go. I'll leave this open until someone can confirm the warnings are gone.


I was just testing 2.7 and got a lot of this warning:

/Users/connorshea/.rbenv/versions/2.7.0-preview3/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/faraday-0.17.1/lib/faraday/options.rb:166: warning: Capturing the given block using Proc.new is deprecated; use `&block` instead

But it looks like that was fixed by c56732cd0df116cc76ec26966eec5b948d04a31c

That's the only deprecation warning from Faraday that I can see. Any chance you could do another release with it? 🙇

Curious whats the release date for this fix? Thanks.

I'm on it guys 👍
That branch was merged being tested only against Ruby 2.3+ because of an issue with GitHub Actions.
I'm trying to get it to run against all supported Rubies (1.9+) before releasing, as we can't be sure it will work on older versions

I managed to get the CI running for Ruby 2.0+ 🎉
I'm going to merge that in and release 0.17.2

@technoweenie released 0.17.2 and 0.17.3 so this is now officially available ❤️

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