Mycroft-core: german language

Created on 20 Jul 2017  ·  10Comments  ·  Source: MycroftAI/mycroft-core

I´m very interested in using mycroft.
Is there a way to change language from english to german?

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If you're not on our mattermost chat I suggest you join and ask in the language-de for specifics.

I'll ping @KathyReid about the documentation. You can also raise an issue against the documentation repo and maybe the german users can lend a hand updating the documentation.

All 10 comments

there are some attempts at making Mycroft work with other languages, but that functionality is far from being completed.

@Zacki84 you can check out this pull request #814 it isn't merged yet

Are there any news on this issue?

@eX00r we're slowly getting there. the has got a bunch of skills completely translated and we're step by step importing it. Core has gotten a some German specific code added (extracting time/date and such from german)

TTS and STT still need to be configured manually but we're getting there and people are running it using german.

Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately I wasn't able to configure TTS and STT right altough I followed the guide ( step by step.

It would be very helpful if the process is described more detailed or at least the snippets of what to change manually are bigger. Maybe a complete guide including an example of the customized 'mycroft.config' and the necessary changes to '' and '' is the best way.

If you're not on our mattermost chat I suggest you join and ask in the language-de for specifics.

I'll ping @KathyReid about the documentation. You can also raise an issue against the documentation repo and maybe the german users can lend a hand updating the documentation.

Our language support at the moment is _very experimental_, and the instructions provided are essentially a "best guess" at the moment. There is a lot that needs to be done before we can support additional languages across the entire Mycroft Voice Stack - all of the elements are documented at;

We are currently building out our Mycroft Translate platform that will help to crowdsource translation of Skill dialog and vocab files, however we still have a lot of work to do before we have a German STT (likely based on DeepSpeech).

We are currently working on tools which will allow a German TTS to be built, however there already exist German TTS packages like espeak.

In summary we will be focussing on building automated tools rather than going back and updating the experimental languages documentation.

Thank you. That totally makes sense. So I guess engaging in Mycroft Translate and DeepSpeech is the best way to invest my time.

@KathyReid This could be slightly offtopic, but I would be glad if you could help me.
I just started working on the hungarian language support, so I'm not quite ready yet.
Should I create an issue for it first (as written in the contributing guidelines) or should I simply create a pull request when I'm done with my specific feature branch? Sorry for the naive question, this will be my first pull request ever.

A lot of german vocab and functions have been added and people are using Mycroft in German today. Since this is something of a moving target I'm going to close this issue, there are of course more work to be done but perhaps smaller more well defined issues can be created for anything missing / broken when using Mycroft in German.

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