Mycroft-core: Void kampff skill source check

Created on 2 Oct 2020  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: MycroftAI/mycroft-core

The actual checking of skill source isn't implemented due to an on-going discussion (at least it was back when these were implemented), determining the format of the skill name.

skill-id is what is reported in the speak meta data but it isn't quite friendly for writing the behave files. So some sort of translation is needed skill-id -> pretty name. I'll add an issue reflecting this.

Suggested lookup:

  • skill name, taken from speech metadata field
  • pretty name table, allowing use of names displayed on the skill page. A custom table translating known names to pretty names, this can be generated from skill meta data, but won't exist for unsubmitted skills...possibly for these it can be generated from the readme?
  • skill folder names
For discussion Enhancement - proposed help wanted

All 6 comments

@forslund Just to understand, what do you mean with "pretty name" and what with "skill-id"?
Can you give me an real example?
I want be sure that i'm following you.

I was wrong about skill id. The system uses the as skill which can be provided explicitly to skill or it uses the skill class name as name.

"Pretty name" is something like "Mycroft Weather" or "The weather skill" something that works well in natural text. The "pretty name" the skills meta uses is the skill name shown on the skill page of

@krisgesling, @chrisveilleux, @dschweppe might have opinions on vwhat is a "pretty name" and the implementation as well.

Oh ok.
I'm new and i'm understanding how works mycroft day by day, but i didn't see anything in the metadata about skill-id, for this i asked.

In my opinion is better and more useful use the skill name ( in the test.
If i write a skill, i have to know it and is also more simple remember the name class of my skill (
Using another name to referer about the same skill, the pretty name as you called it, in my opinion could be cause of more mistakes and more confusion.

Updated the initial issue with the correction

I think this has improved as we removed the name field from Skill settings, but there's some further work needed. Eg for the Hello World Skill: => "HelloWorldSkill"
Selene display (from README title) => "Hello World"
file system (from the repo slug I think?) => "mycroft-hello-world.mycroftai"

I wouldn't be surprised if there's somewhere else that the Skill name is used in a slightly different way too. If we can cut this down to the first two it would be good. Though may need to consider the case of a Skill not having a readme.

Part of the idea behind Behavioural based tests is that they are human readable (and writable), including by non-devs. So personally I think it's worth supporting both the "pretty name" and the "class name" ( for this.

Indeed, to make more readable/writable the comparison can also be made after running the name through camel_case_split(), HelloWorldSkill -> Hello World Skill.

I'll add the skill foldername as you suggest to the issue description.

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