Plots2: Search API: endpoint /srch/nearbyPeople needs to sort by most recent users

Created on 22 Oct 2018  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: publiclab/plots2

As discussed here (Question: What more data-layers can we show on map?) I implemented (#3719) a new method to search nearby people with respect to given latitude, longitude and tag (optional).

Code is in here:

  def tagNearbyPeople(query, tag, limit = 10)
    raise("Must separate coordinates with ,") unless query.include? ","

    lat, lon =  query.split(',')

    user_locations = User.where('rusers.status <> 0')\
                         .where('value LIKE ?', 'lat:' + lat[ - 2] + '%')\
    if tag.present?
      user_locations = User.joins(:user_tags)\
                       .where('user_tags.value LIKE ?', tag)\

    ids = user_locations.collect(&:id).uniq || []

    items = User.where('rusers.status <> 0').joins(:user_tags)
                .where(' IN (?) AND value LIKE ?', ids, 'lon:' + lon[0..lon.length - 2] + '%')

    # selects the items whose node_tags don't have the location:blurred tag do |item|
      item.user_tags.none? do |user_tag| == "location:blurred"

    items = items.limit(limit)

Now, as a next step we need to modify the method to sort the results by most recent sign up at least.

The search_profiles() method sorts the results by most recent users, I think the same strategy can be used here.

Ruby help wanted search

All 3 comments

Awesome !!!

@milaaraujo can I work on this?

Sure, just assign the issue to yourself!

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