React-dnd: Nesting and ownership of React DnD backends

Created on 17 Aug 2015  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: react-dnd/react-dnd

Is there a handle to already established backends/DragDropContext? I'm using your code from #186:

let defaultManager;
function getDefaultManager() {
    if (!defaultManager) {
        defaultManager = new DragDropManager(HTML5Backend);
    return defaultManager;

But is there a way to check if another application has created a manager?

design decisions wontfix

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Whenever I try to do this I keep getting

DragDropManager.js:40 Uncaught TypeError: createBackend is not a function

Any idea what could be causing this? I have the exact same code as @jaygood with DragDropManager imported from dnd-core and HTML5Backend imported from the correct library.

All 7 comments

Nesting backends is not thought out well now. If you'd like to propose an API change to make it more explicit I'm happy to hear it!

I'm using a modified version of DragDropContext which simply uses the above getDefaultManager where the childContext is declared like so:

    const childContext = {
        dragDropManager: getDefaultManager(backend)

this is working beautifully for me with a nested drag & drop card layout, but I admittedly haven't taken the time to review all the implications of this approach yet


Whenever I try to do this I keep getting

DragDropManager.js:40 Uncaught TypeError: createBackend is not a function

Any idea what could be causing this? I have the exact same code as @jaygood with DragDropManager imported from dnd-core and HTML5Backend imported from the correct library.

@akhayoon @gaearon After updating React DND (and also React HTML5 Backend) from 2.6 to 5.0, I'm getting this error as well.

@bureson hello, im facing this issue as well, any workaround?

@JJie09 you will need to change the way how you import the lib, one of following:

import HTML5Backend from "react-dnd-html5-backend"
const HTML5Backend = require('react-dnd-html5-backend').default;

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