React-dnd: Possible to programatically cancel a drag?

Created on 5 Sep 2016  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: react-dnd/react-dnd

Hi folks, thanks for your work on this library. Is it possible to programmatically cancel an in-progress drag? If not, what's the best way to determine if the component has been unmounted at drop-time so we don't try to trigger an action on a (say) deleted item?


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edit: I wasn't very familiar with the library when I 'bumbed' this.
in case anyone runs into the problem I had, it was the following:

I wanted to cancel a drag if a specific condition was met on drop, so you have to set up two parts:
1 - The receiver has a canDrop method, which returns true or false. You must make your canDrop return false in order to cancel the drag.
2 - Second part is that the I needed some kind of UI behavior to let the user know why this was happening: in this case you have to go to the draggable item and on the endDrag method check if it was successful by doing: if (monitor.didDrop()) which returns true or false. In my case, using the false returned let me show a modal with the information as to why it had failed.

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