React-dnd: Release/npm publish issue?

Created on 14 Jul 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: react-dnd/react-dnd

Latest version published on npm is still 2.4.0, and in github the latest tag is called "vundefined"

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Any news here? Having the same problem right now. @darthtrevino

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Yes, i'm also having trouble with the NPM package. It seems that react-dnd-html5-backend NPM package is still pointing to the legacy repo. The html5-backend in this monorepo has some bugfixes which I am missing

Any news here? Having the same problem right now. @darthtrevino

So even though our Lerna setup is configured to use a single version across libraries, it won't publish a library if there have been no changes to it. That being said, there are some updates that need to be released, and I plan on cutting a new version today.

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