Yarn: Vector3f is in client.util.math

Created on 23 Nov 2019  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: FabricMC/yarn

It's not client-only (as of 1.15-pre1).

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Then I think Vector Should be MutableVec.

All 6 comments

Hmm, these Vector stuff etc. are featured by their mutable fields and overwhelmingly client usage compared to their util.math counterparts. Interesting thing to look into.

The Vec and Vector naming is also very weird. It doesn't make sense to name two classes the same but with one name abbreviated. What's the important difference between Vector3d and Vec3d (why doesn't Mojang use a single class?).

we have Vec for immutable types and Vector for mutable types.

Then I think Vector Should be MutableVec.

@Yanis48 Actually I am not very sure on handling this yet; should we rename this to Vector3f to distinguish from the immutable vec3d in minecraft util math package and move to minecraft util math, or?

I think we should rename it to Vec3f, and move it to nm.util.math

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