Arduino: Website - Code Error - Opla IoT Kit - Getting Started Project - Get To Know The Carrier - Acceleration Reading

Created on 28 Nov 2020  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: arduino/Arduino

The _Opla IoT Kit "Get To Know The Carrier"_ project is available on this page:

In the _"Core programming terms"_ section, _"Loop"_ subsection, there is a code snippet with commands for reading the sensors available on the _MKR IoT Carrier_. For reading the acceleration provided by the IMU sensor, the following command is provided

carrier.IMUmodule.readAccelerometer(accelerometer_x, accelerometer_y, accelerometer_z); //read accelerometer (x, y z)

which generates the following error

error: 'class LSM6DS3Class' has no member named 'readAccelerometer'; did you mean 'readAcceleration'?

As suggested in the error and also explained in the documentation of the LSM6DS3 library of the IMU sensor, the _readAccelerometer_ method should be replaced with the _readAcceleration_ method.

I am using the _Arduino Web Editor_ with the _Arduino_MKRIoTCarrier Library_ version _0.9.6_.

Documentation Bug

Most helpful comment

@per1234 just updated the platform, replacing readAccelerometer with readAcceleration. Thanks for the reminder, it had avoided previous updates somehow!

All 3 comments

Thank you @alexandru-cohal for reporting. This issue will be fixed shortly.

@karlsoderby did you ever get a chance to fix this error? I see it is still there on the tutorial.

@per1234 just updated the platform, replacing readAccelerometer with readAcceleration. Thanks for the reminder, it had avoided previous updates somehow!

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