Data.table: grouping sets

Created on 5 Oct 2015  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: Rdatatable/data.table

Some references: postgres, Oracle, SQL Server, groupings combined with arbitrary functions

_Grouping sets_ and friends are useful to pre-calculate various aggregation levels, which is often desired. Api for that feature in data.table is not very friendly, see Aggregating sub totals and grand totals with data.table.

In case of _rollup_ those are aggregations for provided by from top to bottom. See description from postgres man, and example code below.

ROLLUP ( e1, e2, e3, ... )

is equivalent to:

    ( e1, e2, e3, ... ),
    ( e1, e2 )
    ( e1 )
    ( )

I wonder if there could be cheap speed-up of that process? this is potentially heavy computing task. Would be great to have computation of _grouping sets_ feature developed in C, so all the _rollup/cube_ and other features could be built on top of _grouping sets_ more easily in R still utilizing full speed.

Answers to update when closed:

grp.cols <- c("vs", "am", "gear", "carb", "cyl")
plyr.r =
    lapply(1:length(grp.cols), function(x) ddply(mtcars, grp.cols[1:x], summarize, agg=mean(mpg)))

library(data.table) # 1.9.7+
dt.r = rollup(, j = .(agg=mean(mpg)), by=grp.cols)
    dt.r[-.N], # exclude grand total, not present in BrodieG answer
    ignore.row.order = TRUE,
    ignore.col.order = TRUE
#[1] TRUE
# install.packages("data.table", type = "source", repos = "")
DT = data.table(

cube(DT, mean(v), by=c("group","year"))
#    group year        V1
#1:     a 2011 0.4176346
#2:     b 2010 0.5231845
#3:     b 2012 0.4306871
#4:     b 2011 0.4997119
#5:     a 2012 0.4227796
#6:     a 2010 0.2926945
#7:    NA 2011 0.4463616
#8:    NA 2010 0.4278093
#9:    NA 2012 0.4271160
#10:     a   NA 0.3901875
#11:     b   NA 0.4835788
#12:    NA   NA 0.4350153
cube(DT, mean(v), by=c("group","year"), id=TRUE)
#    grouping group year        V1
#1:        0     a 2011 0.4176346
#2:        0     b 2010 0.5231845
#3:        0     b 2012 0.4306871
#4:        0     b 2011 0.4997119
#5:        0     a 2012 0.4227796
#6:        0     a 2010 0.2926945
#7:        2    NA 2011 0.4463616
#8:        2    NA 2010 0.4278093
#9:        2    NA 2012 0.4271160
#10:        1     a   NA 0.3901875
#11:        1     b   NA 0.4835788
#12:        3    NA   NA 0.4350153

# install.packages("data.table", type = "source", repos = "")

Some other questions can get new answers also:

feature request

Most helpful comment

This is just awesome. Makes working with pivot tables in Shiny way easier.

All 3 comments


library(data.table) # version 1.10.5 required
dt = data.table(ggplot2::diamonds)
groupingsets(dt, c(lapply(.SD, mean), list(COUNT = .N)), 
     by = names(dt)[2:4], .SDcols = 5:10, id = FALSE,
     sets = as.list(names(dt)[2:4]))
          cut color clarity    depth    table    price        x        y        z COUNT
 1:     Ideal    NA      NA 61.70940 55.95167 3457.542 5.507451 5.520080 3.401448 21551
 2:   Premium    NA      NA 61.26467 58.74610 4584.258 5.973887 5.944879 3.647124 13791
 3:      Good    NA      NA 62.36588 58.69464 3928.864 5.838785 5.850744 3.639507  4906
 4: Very Good    NA      NA 61.81828 57.95615 3981.760 5.740696 5.770026 3.559801 12082
 5:      Fair    NA      NA 64.04168 59.05379 4358.758 6.246894 6.182652 3.982770  1610
 6:        NA     E      NA 61.66209 57.49120 3076.752 5.411580 5.419029 3.340689  9797
 7:        NA     I      NA 61.84639 57.57728 5091.875 6.222826 6.222730 3.845411  5422
 8:        NA     J      NA 61.88722 57.81239 5323.818 6.519338 6.518105 4.033251  2808
 9:        NA     H      NA 61.83685 57.51781 4486.669 5.983335 5.984815 3.695965  8304
10:        NA     F      NA 61.69458 57.43354 3724.886 5.614961 5.619456 3.464446  9542
11:        NA     G      NA 61.75711 57.28863 3999.136 5.677543 5.680192 3.505021 11292
12:        NA     D      NA 61.69813 57.40459 3169.954 5.417051 5.421128 3.342827  6775
13:        NA    NA     SI2 61.77217 57.92718 5063.029 6.401370 6.397826 3.948478  9194
14:        NA    NA     SI1 61.85304 57.66254 3996.001 5.888383 5.888256 3.639845 13065
15:        NA    NA     VS1 61.66746 57.31515 3839.455 5.572178 5.581828 3.441007  8171
16:        NA    NA     VS2 61.72442 57.41740 3924.989 5.657709 5.658859 3.491478 12258
17:        NA    NA    VVS2 61.66378 57.02499 3283.737 5.218454 5.232118 3.221465  5066
18:        NA    NA    VVS1 61.62465 56.88446 2523.115 4.960364 4.975075 3.061294  3655
19:        NA    NA      I1 62.73428 58.30378 3924.169 6.761093 6.709379 4.207908   741
20:        NA    NA      IF 61.51061 56.50721 2864.839 4.968402 4.989827 3.061659  1790

This is just awesome. Makes working with pivot tables in Shiny way easier.

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