Edengineer: MaterialDiscovered events suppress the corresponding MaterialCollected event

Created on 6 Nov 2016  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: msarilar/EDEngineer

EDEngineer at times can appear to not update when one picks up a material for the first time. As a example, I discovered yttrium, tin, and arsenic in the log at http://pastebin.com/raw/iiZD206i.

The root cause seems to Elite not posting a MaterialCollected event when the material is discovered, but EDEngineer could maybe assume MaterialDiscovered means 3 minerals were added until Elite fixes it on their side. I'm not sure what happens when a material is discovered by a mission, where the reward may not always have a count of 3.

bug Frontier Bad Logs

All 6 comments

thanks for the report & investigation.
I indeed assumed two events would be raised upon discovering an element (discovery and collection)... we can work something out though.

You warn about missions not necessarily rewarding 3 materials but are you sure looted materials on a planet always come in triple?

Yes. In the current version, whenever you scoop a material or scan data, you always get 3 instead of 1. This was changed in 2.1.05, before journal logs were added. ("When collecting physical micro resources or retrieving data loot, add 3 to the inventory instead of 1. If your inventory can't fit 3, just add enough to fill the inventory" at https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/276723-2-1-05-update-incoming)

So, unfortunately, MaterialDiscovered events suppress MaterialCollected events even when one finishes a mission. Since the rewards of a mission can vary, and as far as I know no other events indicate the count of the material received, there's nothing that can be done about this until FDev does something.

I completed 2 missions in the logs at http://pastebin.com/raw/cgvMuJ7u, the first is a undiscovered material, the second was an already discovered material.

In other news, I can confirm the latest version is working correctly with scooped/scanned materials.

thanks a lot for investigating this! you might want to report this directly to Frontier :)

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