Facebook-sdk-for-unity: Remove LogWarning from polluting builds with warnings that are not warnings

Created on 13 Oct 2017  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: facebook/facebook-sdk-for-unity

There is a LogWarning in AndroidSupportLibraryResolver that seems to have been left there from 'printf debugging'. This pollutes build logs with warnings that are not warnings.


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Please fix this! DRIVING ME CRAZY

Imagine you start up your fresh beautiful error free Unity Project - your pride and joy,
then Facebook.Unity.Editor.dll comes along and spams you everytime you make some change that runs this damned dll.




All 6 comments

Please fix this! DRIVING ME CRAZY

Imagine you start up your fresh beautiful error free Unity Project - your pride and joy,
then Facebook.Unity.Editor.dll comes along and spams you everytime you make some change that runs this damned dll.




We just deleted the whole resolver directory and packaged everything ourselves. Embarrassing really, FB doesn't know what they doing at all. This is like high school grade coding...

https://github.com/dzhuowen Zhuowen Deng. Hi there =) @dzhuowen

Any update on this Facebook ?

None so far, just download the source and fix it yourself..

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