Scratch-render: Speech bubbles are left-aligned, not center-aligned as in 2.0

Created on 16 Nov 2018  ·  1Comment  ·  Source: LLK/scratch-render

Not a bug report exactly, but just a difference I noticed. In 2.0, speech bubbles are center-aligned:

Two Scratch cats with speech bubbles containing center-aligned text; one saying "A.", the other "I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day."

In 3.0, they're left-aligned:

Two Scratch cats with speech bubbles containing left-aligned text; one saying "A.", the other "Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play"

Bonus - in 1.4, they're center-aligned, just like 2.0 but not 3.0:

Two Scratch cats with speech bubbles containing center-aligned text; one saying "A.", the other "You're a wizard, Harry!"

I'm curious why this change was made. Is it an intentional design decision? (If so, why?) Or is it just that there hasn't been any code written to center-align speech bubble text yet?

compatibility question

Most helpful comment

@towerofnix Good question! It was something we did to make the text in bubbles a little easier to read.

>All comments

@towerofnix Good question! It was something we did to make the text in bubbles a little easier to read.

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